Chapter 1 ♪♪♪♪♪

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I woke up to the sound of my ringtone "♪Sexy please text me♪!" Okayy I'm up! I look at my phone and see that I have a text from Blade. He's like my friend....ig you could call it that. But he usually calls us from our nicknames. Me BonQwiQwi Nikki Hunny Sux Alot Alex Badapadose Kat  

Cotton Candy Lindsey Kitteh.

B-Hey BonQwiQwi

S-Hi Blade

B-Sooo wrud

S-NM wbu

B-Sitting breathing

S- Cool-_- I am going back to bed now.

B-But it's 3 in the afternoon

S-Okayy I'll get dressed and stuff

B-You should come over

S-Okayy b there in 20

I put on my Black Skinny Jeans and Asking Alexandria TeeShirt. Teased my hair and put on some eyeliner. And lipgloss that smelled like strawberries!! (:

Okayy so I went and asked my mom if I can borrow her car to go to Alex's House. She said that I could but I can't wreck it. -.- like i am gunna wreck a car on purpose. I got the car keys and headed out the door. I went to Blade's house and knocked on the door. Nobody answered so I called him. He didnt pick up the phone. Just as I was about to leave I herd footsteps. Then I heard "BONQWIQWI!!!!!" Oh no-.- I got tackled...... Dude it's cold out here!! We should go inside! i said. Okayy. We went inside and got hot chocolate. It's like october and cold as fuck!

***Alex's POV***

I was putting up posters and my phone vibrated. I fell off my stool and hit my knee on the stool. -.- It was Skye....

S- You should come (HEHE) over to blades house.

A-K be there in 20

***Skye's POV***


-.- okayy

We sat down on te couch. The commercial for warm bodies came on. OMG WE SOULD GO SEE THAT!! Blade shouted. Too bad I'm going with Lindsey:/

Alex knocked on the door and I answered it. BOut time she got here blade was acting all weird. Blade kept scooting towards me so I motion Alex to come and sit between us. Only reason I don't want this to happen is because I have a boyfriend. His name is Camron. Lindseys boyfriends name is gabriel kats is Justin alexs is Daniel and nikkis is Dylan. They are like brothers to me. I love them to death!

Okayy so Alex was wanting icecream and was running threw the house screaming "I WANT SOME FUCKING ICE CREAM BITCHES!! I SCREAM YOU SCREAM WE ALL WANT SOME MOTHERFUCKING ICE CREAM!!" So we took my car to go and get some ice cream so alex would shut the fuck up. When we got to Dairy Queen Blade ran in and sat in the middle of the floor.....-.- my god he's wierd. So I pet him like a dog. :3 We got our ice cream and left. When we got in the car Alex and Blade were fighting over the front seat. "ALEX GOT IT ON THE WAY HERE!! sO NOW BLADE GETS IT!!" I swear i'm the adult here and i'm the youngest! Blade stuck his tounge out at Alex. He got in the front seat and put in the Asking Alexandria CD. When the song Closure came on he had a major Bitch fit. He started throwing his hands around and danceing in the car so Alex decides to join him.....-.- I lost control and the car started to swerve!! When we hit a ditch and the car did a 360 turn and went all the way on its side and flipped only once. We were all screaming and flipping the fuck out! The next thing I knew was The blaring sounds of the ambulance. Then I saw darkness.......

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