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The night before was spent with getting to know the family. All of them kept gushing over how much I have grown. Not like I was one when I last saw them.

Nonna spent all of last night talking about my uncles and showing me their baby photos in an album she has stashed away here. This made my uncles goes bright red repeatedly, especially when their wives where looking over my shoulder. All my cousins were laughing at their embarrassment but stopped when their photos were shown, my brothers also who protested saying they did nothing wrong. I even saw some of mine, I had bright green eyes and short tuffs of brown hair, I looked identical to Larzo and Alfonso's baby photos, the only way you could tell it was me was by the frilly white dress.

Nonno spent all night observing how I interreacted with the family which was a bit strange. But I noticed all the men in the family observed everyone. He still smiled at me and treated me like the others though.

Aunt Angela, Aunt Ella and Eva are already planning on going shopping with me this weekend. They want a full shopping trip, with clothes and makeup and shoes and spa treatment. So, basically I'll be dead by Monday morning.

My Uncles told me stories of Italy and the beauty of it. They even told me I should try and convince Alfonso to take us there for Christmas seen as it is only a few weeks away. They kept smiling and hugging me, definatly less stone faced than when they first walked through the door.

Marco and Gavino were a little on the colder side yet they still hugged me and said how much they had been waiting to meet me. They even offered to do some 'training' but Riccardo and Alfonso shut them down immediately. I didn't even get to know what sort of training.

Enrico, Gino and Nario brought me to the games room with Enzo and Ezio and taught me how to play Call of Duty. The night ended in me blowing them all up and them chasing me around the house calling me a cheat while I ran away. That was when we were sent to bed by Alfonso who seemed ready to strangle us.

And now I am sat in my bedroom, dreading the day that awaits me. Nonna, Aunt Angela, Aunt Ella and Eva are taking me shopping. Now I don't mind shopping, it's just I usually go for really cheap stuff since the only money I had I stole or did a small street fight for. But they all wear Gucci and that crap which mean they'll buy the expensive stuff, and those places don't have a lot of things in my style.

 But they all wear Gucci and that crap which mean they'll buy the expensive stuff, and those places don't have a lot of things in my style

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The outfit on the side & the jacket

Once dressed I made my way downstairs to be greeted with the smell of bacon and pancakes, chatter erupting from the kitchen. 

Carrying my jacket in my hand I walk inside and see everyone is already in there, and Sebastian and Blake have also come over. 

My Nonna sees me standing in the doorway. Her gaze falls down onto my clothes and she rushes over catching everyones attention. 




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