Chapter 6 I will do it

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So, I have a day to make up my mind and make a decision but first I'll visit Mrs. Park. When I get there, I need to fill a form with my name and some other information. After that, I go to her room. It's room 4D, she has a room for herself I guess Mr. Jang paid for it, it's really fancy and looks more like a hotel room than a hospital room. I guess this is how rich people are treated. I take a chair and I put it near her bed. I look at her, she's bruised and has a cast on her left hand. I'm not sure if she's deeply asleep or unconscious

I take her hand "Mrs. Park, what should I do?" I whisper, "The money would be great but I will be exploited to death from working" I sigh heavily, letting my head drop and then I raise it, "I hate to admit this but the only good thing about working for him is seeing his face because he's so handsome. I mean, how can someone be that attractive? It's not fair! You know?" I notice I was speaking loudly so I look at Mrs. Park, I'm scared of waking her up. I guess she's unconscious since she didn't move or at least groan for how loud I was. I continued talking to Mrs. Park, "Ugh, I think it'll work out for me with the schedule since it's summer and I don't have to study. Besides, it'll look good on my CV when I'm done there" I sigh once again, " I'm determined, I'm going to accept the offer. But, please Mrs. Park, get well soon so I can get out of there fast."

After talking to Mrs. Park, I leave the hospital and call Nam Dareum, then he picks up, "Hey" I say through my phone, "Oh, Chohee! I was worried about you, what happened?" he asked me," Well, it seems I'll have to work for Mr. Jang from now on" I sigh, I have sighed a lot today. "What? Why? You don't even like him" he growls, "I know, it's a long story, I'll explain it to you later. Plus, it's ok, I'm the one who agreed to work for him, don't worry about it, it will only be until summer finishes." I try to sound convincing, "If you say so, but what about your plans of visiting your mom?" he asks, "I'll figure it out later, I need to go to the office right now, see you later, bye!" I shout, "But wait wh-" I hang up before he can finish his sentence.

I take a cab and I head to the office really fast. When I get there, I run to Mr. Woo's office, even though it's 9 pm and it's Friday, he's still working. That must be depressing working on weekends, I guess that's what awaits me. I enter and bow, " Mr. Woo, I'll accept the offer!" I tell him breathing heavily. " Calm down Miss Kim, take a seat first," he tells me pointing to the chair with his arm, I do as he says and then take a deep breath, "So you were saying..." he indicates to me I can continue speaking, " Ah, yes. I accept the position as the main assistant of Mr. Jang" He looks at me pleased by my answer, "Okay, that's great, you start on Monday" He stands up and approaches the filing cabinet, opens one of the cabinets, and takes a really big folder, it looks more like a Harry Potter book than a folder, I hope that's not mine, but he hands me the big folder. I almost fall when he gives it to me. "Miss Kim, this is all the information related to Mr. Jang. You can study all of this Saturday and Sunday, I hope you didn't have plans" He tells me while he's raising a brow. I laugh, "Ah? Haha, of course not, I'll be studying all of this, I'm good at studying, I love studying" I say with a nervous laugh, and then I feel awkward. I think I exaggerated, I do not love studying, but I'm used to it. I'll try my best to do this, to work for Mr. Jang, I'll be the best assistant he could ever have. I hope everything turns out well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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