Chapter 7 : May Death Claim Me

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Hello my fluffy foxes!!!!! I am back.... Back again. Guess whose back. Tell your friends!!!!!! After another exciting chapter? Well you guys deserve it! And it's been.....5 years writing this.. holy moly guys are the best. Thank you for staying with me through thick and thin....honestly... thank you ❤️


After the conflict we had at the sewers exit, I'm surprised Leon hasn't broken his stride. We've managed to get to the castle... and now... I must take my leave.

"Leon... I do believe you'll get (Y/N) back..." I'm trying to be soft with this man. I've known him since Raccoon City. Ever since...I've grown to not like...but love this idiot. But his heart is set. I can see that now, he has come this far.. not for me but for (Y/N). Still. A job is a job.

"Why do I sense a but?" He replies as his posture is ready to fend himself.

"Oh Leon. This is where I say my goodbyes~" I smile at him. Fake... he knows it. I know it... but he nods in agreement before allowing me to leave. It's sad to watch him get smaller as I used my grapple gun to get the high ground. But we both know....this isn't really the last goodbye.


Reaching for the bracelet you grip tightly onto it with all the power you have left, you bring the broken sharp end up into Lancis neck. His grips loosens as you quickly crawl away from him. Choking on blood from his grip Lancis growls as he holds his neck in pain.

"YOU BITCH" He roars out.
"Now... now you will die!" He lets his hand drape to his side allowing the blood to dribble down his neck. He then twitches uncontrollably then spasms burst through his body, you watch for a moment as this midget gets taller...bigger...uglier without feeling another heart beat I quickly get onto my feet and run.
Heading down the landing I would then go straight down the stairs. Blocking my path... the little girl


Getting knocked back. Lancis stands there all mutated and laughing with pure pleasure of my fear. My body heats up again as the infection inside of me starts to work it's way around me.

"" Lancis growls his words. He doesn't...sound like that chihuahua anymore. It's like he evolved into this Rottweiler instead. My god.... He is a true monster now...



An explosion...but how?!


That voice....that voice is ...Leon.

My knees grow weak as I fall to the floor on my knees. Tears start to form on my face as I'm faced with the dead girl.


"(Y/N)!!!" I see her. So close to the door.

A sense of dread covers over me as I see a mutated freak in front of me. Decently the Uroboros virus here. So this guy will 'NOT' be a problem to take down...

Lancis recovering from the explosion behind him he then raises back onto his feet showing his full size, he would turn to face the cop with anger burning in his eyes.

"Why Leon. Why did you have to open your big mouth.." he mutters quietly to himself.

With that Leon dives to the side as debris come wizzing past where he once stood. Lancis is pissed. Very pissed. I roll on my side before grab my shotgun strapped to my back. 2 rounds then out....make this count Leon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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