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"Poor girl," Lea mumbled, standing up in order to rest y/n down on the couch since she'd fallen asleep while in a fit over being such a 'bad soulmate'.

The best friend was sad she couldn't do anything, covering up the girl with a thin blanket before getting ready to head for bed herself.

It'd been a long day for everyone, and Lea needed the rest for her shift at the cafe tomorrow. But just as she's about to get to her room, her phones familiar ringer goes off.

Lea grabs the electronic from the kitchen and picks up upon seeing the bosses number, trying to be fast enough that y/n didn't stir. "Boss? It's a little late to call, isn't it?"

"Lea, it's me, Wilbur."

The strangled voice reaches the woman's ears and she freezes up, eyes panning over to y/n while her nerves morph into blind panic.

Oh no.

"Uhm, hey Wilbur? Why are you calling from the bosses phone, exactly?" Worry sat in fast as she imagined what the unstable man might've done right after killing someone, especially since y/n left for the night.

His sigh is deep, and she can almost imagine how disheveled the man looked on the other line. "I called him from y/n's house phone and asked for your number; he said you don't answer anonymous so he offered to meet up since we live close by."

An inaudible breath of relief escapes from Lea's mouth as she feels a sudden weight lifted.

"Is y/n there?"

Before the weight is put right back on.

Had she told Wilbur of her whereabouts? Was it supposed to be a secret? Is she breaking a girl code right now?

"Uhm— No?" Lea flinched at her own disgusting lie, knowing not even a baby would believe it to be true.

"Where are you? I need to see her," Wilbur sounded desperate, his voice pleading for the smallest bit of mercy from Lea.

And she was weak to it.

"Just uhm— fine," She sighs, giving up quickly. "But don't tell her I said she was here."

Wilbur lets out a breath of relief, followed by a small laugh. "Deal. So, what's the address?"


It doesn't take but twenty minutes for a quiet knock to be heard on the door, and Lea stands up from her spot next to the sleeping y/n quickly, offering a look to see her friend still knocked out with dried tear streaks.

A small frown exudes and she walks over, looking into the peep hole to see a familiar man, brown hair askew and eyes shot red.

Within a few more seconds the door is open and Wilburs walking inside with swiftness she didn't expect to see.

"She's asleep on the couch right there."

Lea points and the man nods, walking around the sofa to see his soulmate in rough shape. They both handled their anger in some very different ways it seems.

"y/n, Darling? Do you hear me?" There's no response as Wilbur takes some of the woman's hair to move it from her face. "You're must really be out of it."

Lea walks off quietly to her room in order to give Wilbur some space.

Not only was she kinda scared of what he'd do if he got mad with her listening in, but she also trusted that he wouldn't hurt the woman before him.

With her out of the room, Wilbur sits on the floor, his hands lightly feathering over the girls back as a form of relaxation, her body seeming to un-tense even further.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry. I— I can't even apologize enough for what's happened tonight, y/n. I'm such a dumbass hothead, and I know this is all my fault; and you probably won't accept this apology when I repeat it, but just know this..."

Wilbur leans over quietly, planting a small peck to the woman's lips in the middle of his speech. "I love you, y/n."

"So you're just gonna kiss me while I sleep? And tell me you love me for the first time when I can't hear you? Talk about rude."

y/n's sudden announcement makes Wilbur shoot back, almost banging his head against the glass coffee table behind him.

"You were awake?!"

"No," She sits up slowly, rubbing her sore and tired eyes. "Not until you started your apology at least."

He sighs, looking down at his palms to remind himself of where he stood beside you. "I take it you're still pissed?"

"Wil, what happened?"



How are they getting longer?!?? I'm just... IM A MACHINE!

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