Progressing Forward

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"Midoriya, you're expelled!"

The damning words echo in his head.

Expelled. Expelled. Expelled.

Izuku doesn't know what he did wrong. How did it all come to this?

It's not his first time taking the test. He could say that he can't remember how many times he's taken it by now, but that would be a lie. He knows exactly how many times he has failed. And with each time he retakes the test, his chances at passing become vanishingly small. Because what does it say about him that his success rate was less than seven percent? That the only time he passed was due to a twist of fate that he hasn't been able to replicate no matter how hard he tried?

Gasps ring out from some of the students. Most of them look on in horror, while some seem relieved that he was the one who failed, not them.

Kacchan smirks at him with perverse glee shining in his crimson eyes.

He turns away.

But it's not the look of pity on his classmates' faces that makes his heart sink. It's the fact that not once does anyone say a word as he walks back to the building, leaving behind his life-long dreams in tattered pieces.

As soon as he's out of sight, Izuku breaks into a run, not bothering to change out of his gym clothes or to grab his backpack from his classroom.

(It's not like he'll be needing it.

Not anymore.)

Actually that's a lie. He came back to get his backpack, it's his favorite one.

Izuku comes home to an empty apartment. The ride back had been agonizing in its slowness and even now he can hear the whispers that accompanied him on the train.

("Hey, isn't that a UA uniform? I think they wear those to the Sports Festival, right Michi?"

"Yeah, it is. What is he doing here, though? He should be in school now, shouldn't he?"

"You don't think..."

"Shh, I think he's looking our way.") Izuku didn't want to believe it, but they were right. On the first day of school, he was expelled. Deemed to have zero potential and unable to do anything about it.

After a long and painful realization, a letter was seen in the corner of the table from his landlord. He reached for it to only have life get even worse.

Dear resident,

We regret to inform you, but due to your inability to pay your rent, you are to be evicted as of-

Izuku couldn't read any more of it to understand the basics of what's happening. "Mom. What answers do you have for me? I really need some kind of guidance right now." Izuku began talking to a photo on a stand to the side of the room. Due to an accident that happened when he was 10, his mother died in a fatal accident with a villain. Thanks to her quick thinking, Izuku was able to hold off needing any form of help financially for the first few years. However, thanks to his dad leaving them with a heavy debt, he was pretty much broke. He didn't want to tell his mentor All Might this to burden him, but now he's practically hit rock bottom.

Walking out of the apartment with a small bit of things in a bag, Izuku made certain to wear longer clothes to try and find somewhere to go. "This was pointless. Why did I think that I could even do anything?" Tears came down Izuku's eyes as the light that was shining at the end of the tunnel was now shut off with him walking aimlessly. Nobody to help guide him. Nowhere to live. All he has is the clothes on his back and a few sentimental objects to his name.

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