1// You've Worked Hard

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'AND.... CUT!!!'

Cheers and words of congratulations erupted in the restaurant as the final romantic scene for Penthouse finished it's shooting.

As the staff patted each other's backs and shared friendly congratulatory messages. The two actors awkwardly but also shyly pulled away from each other and sat back on their chairs.

With a boyish smile plastered on his face, Kim Youngdae looks up across the female who smiled awkwardly as she avoided his gaze and settled her sight on her lap.

'You've worked hard.... Hyunsoo yah.'

Looking back up at the elder male, the female smiles sweetly. With a shade of rosy pink blush tinted on her cheeks, she grins and shyly replies.

'You too, Youngdae oppa.... You've also worked hard.'

Noticing the busy and still distracted staff in the background, Youngdae took it as a opportunity and leaned forward resting his hands on the table.

In an effort to clear the tension filled (in a good way) air. He chuckles and looks straight at his co-actress's eyes.

'Ha... I can't believe, it's our last time shooting together. So do we presume both Seokhoon and Rona would have an happy life ahead together?'

Succeeding in making Hyunsoo let her walls down, Youngdae grins as she replies with a mischievous smiles.

'How do you presume that so soon, Oppa? Who knows they might break up again in the future.... Seokhoon has done it once and who says he won't be doing it again?'

Quick to defend his character, Youngdae pouts and replies with a defensive yet comedic expression.

' Eiii!!! Don't say that, Seokhoon-ie broke up with Rona to protect her and his been so loyal, waited for 3 years to meet her again.

Didn't he give her the keys for a reason? It's basically him proposing, I'm proud of him... His finally manned up.'

Chuckling and covering her mouth with her hands, Hyunsoo's laughter basically evaporated the awkward tension that existed just a few seconds before.

Shrugging her shoulders and gazing at the gift box with the beautiful doll and keys. Hyunsoo speaks with a bright grin.

' Well... You never know but it's nice to know that they both found peace with each other.

I wish nothing more for their happiness. Aigoo, they've gone through so much for a bunch of 16 year olds.'

Nodding in agreement, Youngdae sighs and observes the female's face.

It had dawned to him that, this would probably be the last time he'd be seeing her and shooting as Seokhoon and Rona together.

Even if the characters' stories were not over at the moment of airing.

Technically, for him and Hyunsoo....

Seokhoon and Rona's story was as good as over and would now be left in an open ending for the viewers to imagine and think about.

Slightly hesitant and with shaky eyes, Youngdae sighs and finally gains the confidence to ask.

'So..... Are you already looking through new projects or...?'

Pouting her lips and smiling, the younger female shakes her head and replies.

'No, I'm thinking of resting for a while. I'm going to go slow and pick a project that's not that stressful and mentally draining next time.

Oh!!! I heard about your next project with JongHoon sunbaenim. Congratulations oppa.... I'll be supporting/ rooting for you guys from the side.'

Nodding and chuckling, Youngdae grins and shows his infamous 'eye smile'.

'Thanks, but you also shouldn't stress much to pick a new project.

Just like how we all support each other. I'll also be rooting for you in the side. You've been amazing for this 1 year and a half....'

In order to lift up the slight awkwardness that started to fall into the air. Youngdae teasingly continues calling her...

'..... Sunbaenim! '

Widening her eyes and scowling at him. Hyunsoo waves her hand and retracts his statement.

' Stop calling me sunbaenim... I told you before oppa, we're equals plus.... Your older than me.'

Bashful and also pretty hesitant to compliment the elder male. Hyunsoo looks back down on her lap and speaks shyly as she avoided his eyes.

'You've also been amazing oppa, without your help and guidance ... I might not be able to act those crying scenes that well.

Also, thanks for taking the effort to guide me on this scene.'

Processing her words, Youngdae tilts his head and tries to understand what she meant.

As if an light bulb lights up in his brain. Youngdae grins brightly and a faint blush appears on his cheeks.

It occurred to him that this was probably Hyunsoo' s first acting attempt in a romantic genre. Although Penthouse wasn't really all about romance.

Their characters' story together had somehow added a bit of light romance in the stressful makjang drama.

To be extremely honest, this was also his first kissing scene in a drama that's aired on national tv. Hence, he considered it kinda 'special' to have him as her first and to have her as his first.

It was something truly to be remembered in their respective careers. But as he was about to ask her something, he couldn't have cursed the timing much more.

'Yeah, we both had great teamwork..... By the way, Hyunsoo yah....

If you're free next tu---'

And cut......

Hyunsoo's manager approaches them and interjected into their conversation.

'Excuse me but Hyunsoo yah....

It's time to leave if you want to reach home and get up early tomorrow.'

Turning her attention to her manager, she nods and gets up from her chair.

With a rushed smile, she gazes at the male and speaks.

'It's been fun oppa..... Good luck on your last shooting and see you around.... I guess.'

Without waiting for a reply, the female walks away with her manager leaving the male dumbfounded and with something that started to weigh in his heart.

The actor could only look at her back figure and watch her disappear with her staffs.

And with a hushed voice, he internally spoke to her as if she could hear his words....

'Yes.... See you around Hyunsoo yah

I'll miss you.... A lot.'

After Penthouse : Unsaid Affection // Kim Youngdae × Kim Hyunsoo AU 💐🌺✨Where stories live. Discover now