5// Another Chance

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Nodding in agreement, Yebin decides to change the topic and ask the girls the common question that actors would usually ask each other once they finish a project.

'By the way, have you girls received new offers yet?

I'm sure you are right? Penthouse has indeed help us gain more recognition but this is so tiring.... My agency's pushing me to do more but I just want a break.'

Violently reacting and letting go of her spoon, Jihee raises her voice in concern.

' WHAT!!? What type of agency does that to their artist..... At this point just leave the agency once your contract is over and come over to mine.

But on your question, yes.... I've received a few offers but I'm gonna take a short break for now.

I played Jenny for 1 and a half year.... And she's a tiring character to take. How about you Hyunsoo yah? '

Swirling her pasta on her fork, Hyunsoo shrugs her shoulder and replies with her gentle and soft spoken voice.

' My CEO told me to hold everything for now. I've received an adequate amount of offers and have been reviewing them but my agency has apparently booked me for a role set to start filming next year.

They won't tell me anything about it except that it's top secret between my agency and the production company. '

Pouting and tilting her head, Jihyun speaks up as she glances at Hyunsoo.

' Did they tell you the genre or maybe even the basic information on the drama? '

Nodding her head, Hyunsoo leans her head backwards on the soft cushion and makes herself comfortable.

'I did hear that it's gonna receive much media coverage and it's gonna be a romance genre.

At first, I wasn't sure if I was ready to star in a romance genre but after Penthouse.... I thought that it would be fun to give it a try.

Cause y'all know how I'm famous for portraying painful and tragic characters eversince my debut right? '

Agreeing with Hyunsoo, Jihee speaks up and pats her hand.

'As much as I applaud you for doing amazing in every role you've portrayed since your debut.

I would also like a romance era and sweet lovey dovey acting from you.

All I got from Penthouse was that tension that lingered in the air between Rona and Seokhoon. It would be so cool and amazing to see another side of you.

So don't worry about anything because we'll be here to support and root for you all the way.'

Thanking her elder former costars, Hyunsoo grins and stands to offer yet another toast.

And so the day went on with the 4 actresses conversing about random this and that's. Having fun hanging out together until soon their jobs would take another hectic turn and burn the energy out from their bodies.

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After Penthouse : Unsaid Affection // Kim Youngdae × Kim Hyunsoo AU 💐🌺✨Where stories live. Discover now