☁︎︎It's Ok☁︎︎

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"Levi!" Hange sang as she skipped down the halls and to her destination, which was obviously Levi's office. Levi dropped his pin with a sigh and looked up. Hange only smiled, not fazed by his glare as she plopped down into the chair in front of his desk.

 "So, I might've been doing some research on Azura to find more information about her powers and just about her in general. And get this!"

 She paused as she placed a few papers on Levi's desk, irking him greatly with the unorganized pile. 

"Her relatives are actually from outside the walls! Though this passage doesn't go into great detail. But it does tell us about her powers. Apparently her family, or what they called a clan, wielded a unique power much like Azura's. They were called the Sapphirus clan, which means "blue stone." Like her eyes-"


 "Oh, sorry. Was about to go off topic hehe. Anyways, the power they held was called senseless. Kind of a weird name in my opinion." Hange explains, muttering the last part. "To keep it short, they could take away anyone's senses including sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. They could either take them all away at the same time, or only one. They couldn't do more than one if it wasn't all of them. For example, they couldn't take away only sight and hearing."

 Levi sat there, processing the new information. "So are you saying that what you just described is the power Azura holds?" he questions.

 Hange nods her head.


Azura was picking petals off of a rose while Jean sat there watching her with an amused expression. He quite enjoyed babysitting the kid. He'd do anything If it meant time away from the "suicidal maniac." And besides, Azura was a good child. If he said go sit down somewhere, she'd nod and go right away without any complaints.

 The girl tapped on his shoulder making him turn his head to her. "Huh? Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" 

She shook her head and grabbed his hand, pulling it over her head over and over again. Soon he got the hint and stood up. A confused expression was plastered on his face. She's never done this before.

 Azura began walking, Jean's hand, no... fingers, were still trapped in her hand, pulling him with her. "Azura? Where are we going?" Jean asked, slightly chuckling at the fact that her hand is only big enough to grab his fingers. She stayed silent as she led the way. Finally, she stopped at the stables.


 She looked around, seemingly searching for a certain horse. She showed a small smile as she began dragging Jean again, who had given up on guessing where this was going. The horse she stopped at had a light brown coat and was way taller than she was. Jean looked down as she let go of his hand.

 The blue-eyed girl raised her hand up and stuck out a finger to Jean and then dragged it away from the boy and in the direction of the horse. 

Did she just. . . tell me that I looked like a horse?

The boy huffed, steam practically coming out of his ears as he stomped off to find a certain angry German. Azura tilted her head to the side. And indeed, she was trying to say that he looked like a horse. But she knew no better. Of course, if she knew that it would have offended him, she would've never said it. 

As she was about to try and reach up to the horse to pet her, a loud laugh was heard from inside the building. 

"I taught her well!"

 After Eren's laughter died down with the help of Levi's scary commands, the captain realized something. Jean wasn't with Azura. Levi swiftly but carefully placed his tea cup down and ran outside. He was going to ask Jean himself, but he was already off doing his new duties. His heart was beating a bit too fast for his liking. But he couldn't keep the "what ifs" from entering his mind.

 What if she got lost? What if she was taken by the men? What if she was hurt? What if she's scared right now and is crying?

 He first checked the place he saw Azura and Jean at last: the field. Though to no avail. No sign of her in sight. Only the fireflies that were now partially visible because of the disappearing sun. He then checked the training field. No Azura. Where could she have gone? 

And then Levi remembered what made Eren laugh so hard earlier. He ran as fast as his short legs could go (which was actually really fast).

 A small whimper was heard when he approached the stables. He cautiously rounded the corner. The sight made him frown. Azura, who had finally been found, was sitting on a hay bale crying. Her shaky form made the hay rustle under her. She looked terrified.


 She stopped crying immediately and snapped her head over to the owner of the voice. Levi was slowly walking up to her, trying not to scare her even more.

 To his surprise, she practically leaped up and sprinted over to the raven-haired man and hugged his legs. And to her surprise, he kneeled down and hugged her. "It's ok," he soothes, rubbing little circles on her back. 

Levi rarely had the need, or want, to comfort someone so he wasn't the best at it. But when he saw Azura, for some reason, he immediately wanted her to stop crying. And somehow, he knew exactly what to do.

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