The Charlotte Flair Issue

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Hey everybody, I'm back and today i'll be covering the Charlotte Flair issue. first of all, let me say that in no way am I saying that Charlotte is 100% innocent, but WWE is far more to blame.

I'm honestly just gonna sum it up and say that I simply think Charlotte needs a break. She's constantly on TV, even when she's on a break, she'll come back and immediately be heavily pushed again.

Imagine the toll it takes on her body to constantly be out there, recieving disgusting and rude chants from the fans for something that isn't even your fault.

She literally held up the middle finger at the crowd duing MITB. You can see was done. Not only that, but WWE released her fiance, seperated her from most of her friends, not to mention the Ric Flair situation.

It's obvious that she's not happy in the WWE. All the comments on her body and her appearance, saying she looks like a man, no wonder she got a boob and a face job in just a matter of a few months.

Being in the WWE and being the center of attention for so long and not having the same support system she used to have, I understand its hard for her. It reminds me of what happened to Sasha.

The WWE ruined the both of them and their mental health, just in different ways. Now, yes, Charlotte is a grown woman who is responsible for her own actions but when shit is going on it's hard to control yourself.

Everyone backstage said that she's been acting different, that there was a change in her, obviously something is wrong. I truly think that Charlotte needs to do what Sasha did and leave.

She needs to take a break, go home, re-evaluate herself. Connect with friends and family, connect more with Andrade. She needs to find her life outside of the WWE.

She needs to realize who she is and learn how to love herself that way, not as Charlotte Flair. But as Ashley Elizabeth Fleihr.

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