Episode 2

598 22 23

Valt is 11, that means it is evolution time line.

Valt Aoi pov

It was a sad moment for me but I was quite surprised of what I learnt about my dad....

Well the most thing hurted me was my own expectations so... *laughs*

But my parents taught me to be happy because of not everything is good but because you see everything good...

*smiles* you see everything is quite a surprise for me... I see everything good even tho it is bad I would think to get a solution for it..

Oh well let's see what we have today...

I was heading to the cafeteria.

"hey buddy what u doin'?" asked Honcho

"I am doing great honcho! How about you?" I asked while smiling.

"I am doing good! Hey valt... I always wanted to ask something..." said Honcho sheepishly.

"*nods*sure go ahead " I said while nodding.

" the thing is, whenever I see you, you always smile and make others laugh and smile around you,well not everytime but how are you happy everytime?" asked Honcho.

"oh... Well it's not that hard to be.. Because I am always happy!" I said smiling.

"don't lie to me valt.. Whenever I come to see you when you are alone, you always be sad but when find me looking at you, you smile" said Honcho

"oh that huh.... I hate to be alone... It reminds me of something that's why when I am alone I always be sad..." I said while giving a small smile.

"what about before? I mean before we become friends?" asked Honcho.

"oh in that time... I was kinda lonely most of the time but somehow my mom cheered me up and make me not feel lonely!" I said.

"what about Shu? You said he is your childhood friend."said Honcho.

" I met him when I was 6 along with Xander. I was happy until they both had to move away... "I said with a sad smile.

" I am sorry for reminding you that bud.. "said Honcho.

" hey you don't need to be sad, I was actually scared to talk with others when I was a kid that's why I was lonely"I said.

"stop talking and eat your breakfast!!" shouted Angee.

"okie Angee!" both me and Honcho said and started to eat.

At the end of the day

Still Valt's pov

Now I am sitting at the roof of the BC sol.

The sun setting is awesome but it also reminded me something...


"hello? Who is this?" I asked because I got a phone call.

"hello... Valt... Do you remember me?" asked a male voice.

"huh.... Wait dad?!?" I asked surprised.

"how you doing buddy.. Been a long time isn't?" asked my dad.

"yea sure it is.... So how you doing?" I asked.

"I am doing fine... But most of the time alone..." said dad.

"*sighs*dad... You know it's really hard for me to see you doing bad things..." I said in a low voice so no one will hear.

"I know but hey why don't you come and visit me?" asked dad.

"sure.. Why not? But in one condition" I said in a serious tone.

"and that is?" he asked from the next side of the phone.

"well when I visit you, I don't want you to do those things, I want you to give them a leave" I said picking my words carefully.

"valt... *laughs* picking your words carefully I see... You sure get your mom's trait a lot" said dad while laughing.

"you know me dad" I said sheepishly.

"OK son... I will do it for ya but I too have a request for you" said dad.

"and that is?" I asked while raising my left eyebrow.

"I want you to join the S(???)" said dad.

"what.... *chuckles* outsmarting others as usual I see" I said while chuckling.

"*laughs* so do you agree with me son?" asked dad.

I thought for a moment then.

"I will just for a month. But you need to give me the power of the leader" I said.

It took a moment for him to answer.

"hm.... Sure... But your gonna be the one who trains them" said dad.

"let's see about it dad.. OK now I gotta go so bye! See you in few days dad" I said.

"yea see you son" he said and hung up.

He sure is manipulative....

End of flashback

"so I have to go in few days huh..." I said while looking at the sun set.

"I am still worried about his ways to train blader... He thinks forcing themselves to control the bey is the way to get Strong..." I said in a low voice.

"*sighs* dad...oh and good night Free!" I said smiling and going away.

From the corner of my eyes I can see a shocked Free. But after a sec his expression changed back to normal... I need to learn how he does that-

Hey guys hope you liked the chapter, try to guess who is valt's dad! Till now I gave 2 clues. His dad owns a team in Am????? And have S???????. And don't forget to vote and comment how the story is! Bye!

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