That's Unfortunate

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The city was quiet and there wasn't a soul in sight. George was royally screwed.

The man pulled a rope out of his car and, as he was tying a tight knot to George's hand, suddenly the sweet sound of an engine came from around the corner. A white car pulled up to a gas pump and someone climbed out of the driver's seat. George's heart was racing and his head was pounding with hope. HELP ME! He wanted to scream.

The person began walking towards the store, and George's captor looked at them warily, taking his attention momentarily from George's hands. George seized this opportunity to counterattack. He let loose a yell of pure terror and anger and slammed his forehead as hard as he could against the guy's nose. He cried out in pain as blood gushed from both nostrils, instantly soaking the mask. He then brought his knee upright in the perfect spot between the guy's legs. He collapsed, spewing profanities and fumbling with his hand for the gun in his pocket.

In a fit of trepidation, George lunged at him and knocked him on his side. The gun flew out of his pocket and scraped across the concrete pavement, coming to a stop a few feet away. George ran after it and picked it up, aiming it directly at the guy's chest. For a moment, nobody moved - aside from the intense trembling in George's hands. He had no idea how to work a gun. He didn't even know how to shoot one. He kept his fingers off the trigger and aimed the barrel at the man's lungs.

"Don't move!" George exclaimed as the man tried to sit up. The man stopped. Suddenly, the guy from before jogged over - the one who had distracted the robber and surely saved George's life.

"Holy shit, what just happened?" He asked. He was wearing a beanie and had black hair that almost went to his shoulders.

"This guy was trying to kidnap me and rob the store. You just saved me," George said. He was surprised by how shaky his voice was. He felt dizzy with adrenaline. He had almost just gotten kidnapped.

"Fuck," the guy said. "Should I call the cops?"

"Yes," George said, and the man pulled out his phone before dialing the emergency number and holding it to his ear. Not a moment later, he was explaining the situation and location to the dispatcher. 

The attempted kidnapper was holding both hands over his nose, which was surely broken. He didn't move, just cursed quietly and once in a while shifted his legs uncomfortably. George's forehead hurt from hitting him so hard. A minute later, the guy hung up with the dispatcher and turned back to him.

"Okay, they'll be here in five minutes," he said. George sighed in relief and felt himself wobble a bit. "Do you want me to take that?" The man offered.

"Yes, please," George said, and handed him the weapon. The guy held it firmly, aiming right at the guy's head. George shuddered and stumbled backward, leaning against a pole. His heart was beating so fast it hurt. 

"Yo, are you good?" The guy asked.

"No," George replied. "I almost just got kidnapped. Do you think I'm okay?" He asked, unintentionally snappily. "I think I'm gonna have a heart attack."

"Well, don't do that," the guy suggested.

"Can I use your phone?" George asked. His breath was coming shallow and he felt drenched in sweat.

"What for?"

"I need to call someone."

"I just called the cops."

"I need to call my boyfriend," George said. The word felt weird in his mouth, but he liked it.

"Oh." The guy nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket before unlocking it and handing it to George.

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