New Seating... Suprise!

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He sits in the same spot every day, probably because there is an assigned seating arrangement, yet he makes it easy to fill the room with his laughter and his smile. He shakes his head as he talks with his friends and his swoopy shoulder-length hair seems to float in the air. I see him look back at me from two seats ahead then quickly look back to the front when he sees me looking at him, but only after maintaining eye contact with me for a few seconds. Our teacher calls time for lunch and he stands up following closely behind me while on our way to lunch. Our height difference made apparently clear, he goes to sit at a table with his friends while I join the lunch line. 

After a hellish time trying to avoid tall people and ignorant freshmen in the line; I head to my lunch table where my friends are already eating, and the table that is right in front of his. While eating a banana in what my friends call me insane for I look behind me to glance at him and see him looking at me, we hold eye contact for a bit before I raise the banana to my mouth and take a bit of the middle of it sideways peel and all. I chew the banana (and peel) and swallow while taking another bite, still holding eye contact with him. As I do so I can see the growing horror and disbelief on his face, I wink at him then proceed to look away while smiling coyly while making sure he can see the growing laughter on my face. As I start talking with one of my friends again she bumps me playfully while teasing me about what had just happened. 

The bell rings signifying the end of lunch. As I start to head back to class he waits up a bit so we are walking side by side before starting up a conversation. “Why?” he asks, like a broken man that has lost too much in his life.

 “Why what” 

“You know exactly what I’m talking about”

I shoot him a coy smile, pretending I am innocent while slowing down in my pace down the hall. He slows down also while looking at me wanting an answer. “What’s so wrong about the way I eat my banana?” I question, waiting for his reaction. 

“What isn’t wrong with the way you eat a banana!?” I look over at him and we both smile at each other while slowly chuckling, in the process I accidentally snort. I cover my face in horror while he stops walking to look at me, all of the sudden he bursts into laughter; my face reddens in embarrassment. I speed up my pace to avoid further embarrassment while he tries to compose himself, only to look at my 

red face and burst into laughter again. I speed into the classroom with him right behind me gaining odd stares from our classmates and an intrigued then mischievous look from our teacher. 

“I forgot to mention earlier but we are getting a new seating chart!” Ms. Rivera exclaimed excitedly with a hint of something I couldn’t quite place.

Ms. Rivera starts going around the room pointing at a table then listing off someone’s name. I notice that there is only one table group left and the only people left standing up are him, a couple of quieter kids that don’t talk much, and me. I look over and happen to see him looking at me with a knowing smirk. I roll my eyes and continue my internal dread of realizing I have to sit with this dude. 

“Now at this table, we have Cade, Kylie, Emerson, and Mysie.”

He smiles at me in a way that I know I’m never going to hear peace again. We all walk to our table and sit in our spots. While getting comfy I look up to see him sitting directly in front of me. 

“I’m Cade by the way”

He says that like I don’t already know it; like I don’t hear his friends yelling it across the classroom or across the hallway. He says it so confidently that I have to just sit there for a second and wonder if this boy actually believes I don’t know his name or is just trying to get a reaction from me. Either way, I take the bait.

“You say that like I don’t already know it.”

“Ahh has someone been paying extra attention to me? I’m flattered”

“You’re not that special. How can I not know it when Luke is literally yelling at you trying to get your attention every 5 minutes.”

“I am actually so hurt right now” 

“Aww, does someone need the nurse? I can walk you to her if you need”

“Whenever you two are done flirting we can continue our lesson.” We both look to the front of the room where Ms. Rivera is standing and smirking, we both look around the room where our classmates are quietly whispering and smiling teasingly at us. Instantly we both turn a bright shade of red in embarrassment. 

“Moving on, we’ll be continuing from where we left off”


As I’m walking out of class I see Cade speed walking up to me from the corner of my eyes, I roll them and turn to face him only to come face to face with a mischievous smirk. 

“What do you want?”


“Well do you not want something?” 

“Well… can’t I just walk you to your next class without you accusing me of something?” 

Oh. Well this is new, not unwelcomed, just new. It’s not like the guy that I’ve been relentlessly pining over just asked to walk me to class out of the blue when we’ve barely talked before. Maybe… No! It can’t be! Why would he like me? Someone he just started to talk to, someone that’s as weird as me? There are much prettier girls in our school! Hell, there are much prettier girls in our class! So why would I even think that he would like someone like me? Some weirdo that-

“Hey! Did you hear me?”

I quickly snap out of my depressing self-deprecating thoughts and look over to him where he stands still looking at me a little worriedly.

“Sorry I just got lost in thought for a second…”

“Anywayyy, what class do you have next?”

I instantly perk up and get noticeably excited. 

“Just the best class ever! Not only is it fun, but also an easy A! I’m going to Tech Theatre! We get to make sets for the upcoming plays and musicals! It may sound boring but it’s really not! Not to mention that there are only eleven people in my class including me! It helps too that we are all able to get along!” 

As I’m in the middle of my rant I notice that we are standing off to the side of the door to my class... and that I had just been standing there ranting for a couple minutes. I quickly clamp my mouth shut and blush in embarrassment. 

“Aww, you didn’t need to stop your cute little rant just because we’re here, in fact I quite enjoyed it.”

I look away in embarrassment, still blushing

“Anyway, I have to go, Don’t have too much fun without me! At least not until I join you!” Cade laughs to himself while slowly walking away, still looking at me. 

Not sure how to decipher what Cade had just said, I walked into class and looked for my friend Allie so I could tell her about what had just happened.


Hey!! Author here! :))
I'm really excited to share this story and I can't wait to continue adding on to it! I dont really have a schedule for when I release chapters but I'll try to post a new one every 1-2 weeks

Also I don't really have a plan for this story it's just whatever my brain decides is worthy to put down but, I can say this story is VERY loosely based on events that have happened to me lately. Hehe...

Love y'all 💕💕

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