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"Aww, aren't you just the cutest," Anne cooed, looking into the crib at Harry laughing. Letters on his wrist caught her eye and she bent down to get a closer look, "his- oh no." Anne looked up with horror. Her son's soulmate tattoo was not appropriate. "Honey?" she called, not taking her eyes off of little Harry, who was slowly starting to fall asleep.

"Is that his-," Harry's father pointed to the letters.


"We're covering it up for a while."


* * *

For the first 12 years of his life, Harry Styles was forbidden by his mother to look at his wrist. But once he turned 11, he took a quick peek, although confused by what was on his wrist. He was currently rubbing his wrist absentmindedly, when a voice jerked himself of his thoughts.

"Hey Styles." Harry turned around to see a blond boy holding a football in his hand. "Want to join my team?"

"Yeah sure." Harry paused, "Wait do you know what the words on our wrist mean?"

The blond boy, Niall as his jersey said, tilted his head, "Well it's going to read whatever you think  when you first see your soulmate.

Harry nodded, still confused, but when has he ever not been. 

"Thanks Niall." He pointed behind them to the team on the field, "Should we go join them then?"

Both boys started walking towards the field, laughter erupting every 3 seconds.


"Holy fucking shit," Harry whispered to himself. Now that Anne had allowed him to look at his soulmate's first thoughts, he found himself staring at for long periods of time.

"HARRY!" Zayn and Niall both yelled into his ear. "When are you going to tell us what's on there?"

"Never," Harry stuck his tongue out and went looking for food. Zayn threw Niall a look that they called 'The Harry' because of how many times he was the cause of it.

Zayn had already found his soulmate, Nathan, but Niall had yet to find his. Zayn tried to recall what Niall's wrist said, but couldn't remember.

"What's on your wrist Ni?" 

"It just says 'Nandos'?," Niall replied, stuffing some cheese puffs into his mouth. "What's on your wrist again?"

"Oh uh, never mind mine," Zayn rubbed the back of his head. Niall immediately jumped onto him to read his wrist.

"'Holy shit, god has graced us with his presence'," Niall read off of his wrist. "Oh my god, that is fucking hilarious," Niall laughed, clutching his stomach.

Zayn swatted Niall's hand off of wrist, "Oh shut up. Nathan looked really nice in that lighting." Niall retaliated by hitting Zayn's knee. They kept hitting each other until they ended up wrestling on the floor, right when Harry walked in.

"I can't leave you two alone for 4 minutes can I?" Harry put on his 'stern mother' face, holding out his bag of Doritos.

Zayn and Niall had the decency to look ashamed and slowly got off each other. Harry sat down with a dramatic 'thank you'. 'The Harry' was shared between the other two boys once again. 

Idea popping into his head, Zayn grabbed Niall's arm and whispered into his ear. Niall nodded and got into position. 

Harry eyed his friends while stuffing a chip in his mouth, "What are you two doing?"

"THIS," Zayn grabbed Harry's other arm and chest, and Niall grabbed the hand with the lettering. 

"Oh my god," Niall breathed, staring at the words in front of him. 

"What is it?" Zayn asked, momentarily distracted by Harry groaning about them being dickwads.

"It's fucking hilarious," Niall laughed hysterically, "Even funnier than yours."

"What does it say though Ni?" Zayn asked again.

"It says 'kind of short, but that ass is loaded'," Harry answered instead, giving up and leaning back in his beanbag.

Zayn's mouth dropped open. "Our innocent Harry? You? The most babyfaced person I have ever seen, and your first thought about your soulmate is about their ass."

"Thank you for that spiel Zayn," Harry rolled his eyes. "But I wonder how hot my soulmate will. Hopefully he's hot."

"Well we know his ass is nice at least," Niall commented, earning a whack from Harry.

"Oh and apparently he's also short," Zayn added.

"Well if he's short, then when we hug, he can hear my heartbeat."

Both Zayn and Niall let out a little 'aw'.

"Oh shut up you two."

Zayn and Niall left soon after, and Harry was left alone with his thoughts. He thought about the words on his wrist, and wondered about what words were inked onto his soulmates wrist. Laughing a bit to himself at the absurdity of his tattoo, Harry leaned back on his beanbag and closed his eyes. He had to go to an open-mic night with Zayn and Niall. Niall knew the organizer, Liam, so all three of them had to go. Harry got up, got ready, and climbed into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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