After Teams RWBY, and JNPR returned to Beacon with their lives, they had told professor Ozpin the identity of Lucifer Strife, and that he's attempting to start a three-way war with him, and Salem. Will they be able to stop this new threat? Or will R...
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Deep at the grimmlands, a massive castle that looked as if it was made from both crystal and stone, as it loomed over the pools of darkness. From high in her castle a woman stared out into the valley as she watched the birth of Grimm.
The woman was a deathly pale, covered with deep red and purple veins that run up her arms and face. The sclera of her eyes was jet black and her irises glowed with an eerie red. She has a black diamond-shaped marking in the centre of her forehead. She wore a very long black robe with red designs resembling eyes as well as a ring resembling an insect on her right index finger. Her white hair formed into a bun with six offshoots from which ornaments are suspended.
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This woman was Salem, an ancient enemy and the Queen of The Grimm.
To those who knew her she was a calm and intelligent woman, who was as patience as she was insidious.
* in her head "I sense something... Something...more powerful, and dark". "Im not sure what it is but i must find out soon". But first back to the matter at hand.
"Status," she said to the men behind her as three men sat at a dark crystalline table.
The man had short black and grey hair. He also had a moustache and green eyes, while wearing a grey overcoat with yellow linings, a yellow dress shirt and a black necktie. His pants were the same colour as his overcoat with a yellow-buttoned undercoat and fingerless gloves matching his cordovan shoes, under which he wears yellow socks.
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