Chapter 39

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Yeji giggled as she was dropped onto the bed by Ryujin, who hastily hovered over her, planting urgent kisses up and down the column of her neck.

The pair had finished up taking showers, separately, after playing outside with Yeji's grandma's dog, Hongsam. They didn't anticipate the muddy grass that came after the rain that occurred the day before.

So Ryujin and Yeji rode back to Ryujin's home, opting to freshen up and have a sleepover over there. Ryujin's mom had left that morning to a business conference, not returning until two days after.

Yeji trailed her hands up and down Ryujin's back, soon tangling them in the damp locks.

"Ugh." Ryujin let out a groan as she felt nails gently scratch her scalp. The sensation brought shivers all over and she went back to smothering Yeji with kisses and light nips on her neck.

"Are you sure nobody's gonna walk in on us? Or interrupt us?" The brunette asked, shuffling away from Ryujin for a second.

The silver haired heaved herself up, supporting her weight on her palms. "Yep. I put my phone on vibrate and it's far from here, and we have this house all to ourselves for the weekend." Ryujin explained, a little out of breath from the anticipation and just wanting to pounce on Yeji.

Yeji bit her lips, failing to contain her giddy smile.

Ryujin took in a deep inhale. "Are you sure you're ready, baby?" She asked before continuing, wanting to have full consent before continuing further.

From the looks of it, the both of them knew what was going to happen today.

Yeji nodded without hesitation. "I'm ready Ryujin. Thank you." She leaned up and kissed Ryujin's lips briefly. The silver haired gladly returned it and went back to her old position of pressing lightly against Yeji, deepening the kiss.

Ryujin put some of her weight on her knees, as she trailed her hands down Yeji's sides, gripping onto her hips and pulling her further down so the brunette's legs wrapped around her waist.

She pressed forward and Yeji bit onto her lower lip, head tilting back slightly with the welcomed pressure on her front.

One of the brunette's hands left the silver locks and trailed back down, fisting the shirt Ryujin was wearing, wanting to have more skin contact with her girlfriend.

Ryujin understood and kneeled back up, taking off her shirt in one swift tug. She still had on a sports bra underneath. Yeji's breath hitched seeing the other girl's stomach, noticing the slight dip going down the center.

Her hands immediately found purchase there and she hummed appreciatively.

"Mmnh, can I?" Ryujin asked, stifling a moan when Yeji's nails scraped along the expanse of her abs.

"Please." Yeji rose up slightly and let Ryujin take off the tank top she had slipped on. She had nothing underneath, so Ryujin's eyes widened slightly as she saw her exposed chest.

The brunette's cheeks darkened with the stare, and brought her arms up to cover herself, but Ryujin held onto her hands, intertwining their fingers and softly pinning them against the bed. "You're so beautiful, Yeji." She said and leaned back down, placing soft kisses across her collarbones.

Ryujin nipped slightly at Yeji's shoulder, leaving a red mark. Yeji struggled to contain her moans as she felt Ryujin's tongue travel along the expanse of her shoulders.

Moving down further, the silver haired kissed the area on top of Yeji's breasts lovingly as she brought her right hand up and softly kneaded it.

"Aah." Yeji let out a tiny whimper at the welcomed pleasure and pushed up her chest. Ryujin spent some more time giving loving care and attention to her breasts before going down further.

She kissed against Yeji's ribs and down her stomach, saying soft praising in-between breaths. And by the time she had reached the brunette's hips, Yeji hands were gripping onto the bedsheet and her hips were unable to stay still.

"P-Please Ryujin." She gritted her teeth, feeling her girlfriend's hands trail teasingly up and down her inner thighs. "Of course, love." Ryujin replied and paused her act to take off Yeji's shorts.

She left on her panties and cupped the brunette's core with her hand, applying slight pressure. "Oh." Yeji jolted at the surprise, but began to roll her hips again after getting used to the feeling.

Ryujin went back up Yeji's body, giving fleeting kisses to her stomach, breasts, collarbone, and neck, before returning to her lips. "Shh, just relax baby. Leave it all to me." Ryujin whispered against her lips and used her free hand to intertwine her fingers with Yeji's, making her let go of her grip on the bedsheets.

Yeji exhaled deeply and nodded, allowing her tensed muscles to go limp. Ryujin grinned and gave her a small peck on her forehead before she moved her panties to the side and ran her finger up and down the slit, gathering wetness.

"Shh, baby." Ryujin whispered soothing words into her girlfriend's ear as she slowly pushed her finger inside her center. Yeji whimpered and her nails left red marks down Ryujin's back as she adjusted to the new sensation.

"Are you ready?" The silver haired leaned up a little to look at Yeji's face clearly. The brunette nodded her head after squirming a little. "Yes, love." She replied, her cheeks reddening and breath hot against Ryujin's mouth.

Ryujin connected her mouth with her girlfriend's and began to push her finger in and out, while pressing against her center with her palm. Yeji bit her lips and let out a shaky exhale as the unfamiliar sensation soon began to feel pleasurable.

The silver haired swiped her tongue across the roof of Yeji's mouth and leaned back down, leaving wet kisses along her collarbone and neck.

"R-Ryujin." Yeji whimpered out. "C-Can you-" A small moan escaped the brunette's mouth and she went back to biting her lip. Ryujin, already knowing what Yeji wanted, nodded her head and asked.

"You're ready for another one?" Yeji nodded vigorously and Ryujin effortlessly slipped another finger inside.

Yeji couldn't hold back her moans anymore as she let one out and gripped onto Ryujin's back even harder. She also began to shift up and down, trying to get as much pleasure out of this as she possibly can.

"Baby, I think I'm close." She spoke aloud, feeling the tingly feeling that started from her stomach spread to the rest of her body. Ryujin went back up and amped up her speed, now slipping in and out of the brunette faster than she had before.

"It's okay baby, just let go." Ryujin connected her lips with Yeji's and swallowed her moans. The brunette wasn't able to stay still as she ran her hands up and down Ryujin's back, occasionally tangling them in silver locks and softly tugging on them.

"Mmh!" Yeji whimpered as she felt her release come over herself. Every muscle in her body tightened up as she felt that tingly sensation increase tenfold.

Ryujin slowed down her pace and eventually stopped, but kept her fingers inside, bringing Yeji down from her climax.

After the sensation dulled down, but still remained buzzing inside her, Yeji dropped her head against the pillow and tried to catch her breath. "Wow." She said after a while.

Ryujin softly chuckled against her and carefully slipped her fingers out. "Was that good?" She asked, snuggling up the brunette.

Yeji wrapped her arms around the silver haired and smiled. She already felt her face glow from the activity. "It was amazing, Ryujin." She gave her a peck on her nose.

But after remembering that she was the only one who was pleasured, she leaned back with a frown. "But what about you?"

Ryujin just smiled. "Don't worry about it. We could go again after you rest up for a bit, if you're down for another round?" She asked.

Yeji nodded. "Of course I'm down. I love you"

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