Beauty and the Beast

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Here's the long one shot as promised.  6k words 😁

Happy birthday my darling sou sou souji28 ❤❤

Shower me with comments 😁

Gauri Trivedi stared at the small white package with mixture of thrill and apprehension. 

It was the same packaging, like the last two gifts. A plain white package with a golden ribbon.

This was the third time she was receiving the gift from her secret admirer. 

Or he could be a stalker.

The first gift came on valentine's day. It was a pair of studs. A very cheap one at that, but beautiful nonetheless.

And the news that Gauri Trivedi has got herself a secret admirer has passed through the office grapevine pretty fast.

There was no note pinned to the gift, no clue left for her to find the person. She had worn the stud hoping that the person would come forward and identify himself. But he never did.

The second gift came two months ago, on her birthday. It was another simple charm bracelet. Beautiful indeed.

She had worn that too, ever since.

But her secret admirer/stalker never came forward. 

And today, on the first anniversary of her working in the Oberoi office, she got the third gift. 

It was not there ten minutes ago, when she had left to take a coffee break.

She has missed the person for a matter of seconds.

She untied the ribbon and opened the box and let out a sigh.


Whoever the anonymous is, he has a pretty good eye for beauty.

It was a very beautiful crystal piece of heart.

She could stare at it all day and wouldn't get bored.

"Gauri? Are you out of work that you are taking an extended coffee break??" Her head snapped up at the gruff voice.

She looked up only to see her boss, Omkara Singh Oberoi watching her without any expression. 

"Ofcourse No sir." Gauri said as she hurriedly pushed the gift into her desk drawer and stood up to greet the beast.

Yes, Omkara Singh Oberoi is known as the beast among his employees. 

He is a tall well built man, with his long hair tied in a sexy man bun. Not to mention his dreamy chocolate orbs.

The only thing that marrs perfection, is the three parallel scars on his left cheek, running right from below his eyes to his jaws. 

The puckered skin of the scar indicates a very old accident of some sort. And that was not the only scar. She could see the endings of other scar near his throat. God only knows how long they run.

He must have undergone a million cosmetic surgeries to bring them to this stage atleast.

Yes, his appearance is what led people to call him a beast. But for Gauri, his attitude made her call him so.

In her eyes, the scars are something that just prevents him from being perfect. But then nobody is perfect.

But his attitude. That is something he could work on. 

He is a lone wolf.

The only person he seems to share a bond with, is his sister Priyanka Oberoi.

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