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was up on the roof practicing what am I practicing for dance yeah I'm a dancer and a singer but I get nervous so I don't do it in front of people
"Another wasted drives home only one who's not stoned don't give me xanny now or ever" I sung but also dancing to it

It was a good song I can't lie it's Xanny by Billie eilish

"Waking up at sun down they're late to every party nobodys ever sorry make the same mistakes better circumstance"

As soon as I was done  I heard clapping which made me jump

"That was good y/nn" Book said

"Thanks I guess" I said picking up my phone and bag

"So we wanted to know more about you" Levi said

"Okay I'm from Cincinnati Ohio I'm sixteen I have a best friend that lives not far from here my mom was a famous model I can dance and sing as you can see and I can speak 4 languages" That's all I say

"Favorite color, Age, birthday, whole name and what clothing theme do you like" Booker asked

"Weird that you need to know all these things but okay my favorite color is black and green I'm 16 I was born 2004 November 20 Y/n y/m/n Y/l/n I like street wear cottage and vintage"I say

"Zodiac,original hair color, height, weight favourite fruit , shoe size, pants size and shirt size"

"Scorpio, light brown, 5'1, 89Ibs, watermelon, 4.5 in women ,eight in medium and nine in medium" I say in confusion


"Y/s" I answer

"Last question are you the sidewalk friend or the grass friend"

"Definitely grass" I nod

"Thank you one more question have you ever had like visions " He asked squinting his eyes a little

"Umm no" I lie I have visions but I haven't told my mom or anyone I kept it to myself
"Okay also do you wanna hang out" Booker asked while walking up to me

"Sure"I smile


Third persons POV

"What should be our password"the girl asked from the bathroom changing into her assassin cosplay outfit that Booker for some reason bought her

*no skirt*
" I kinda like it"the brown haired girl said walking out the bathroom with the two guns "cool" They said in unison

"Hey umm could I talk to you about something rylie"Booker asked" Sure I guess "I said following him " Do you like me"he asked "umm book we just met" She grin "I'm sorry if you liked me I just don't feel the same way I mean we just met like three months ago" She giggled not wanting to make him feel like he just got rejected

"Your right" He smiled but she could tell it was fake "book I'm sor-"

" it's fine" He said "I think I should go"she said opening the door and walking down the hallway into the living room" Tell Booker I said sorry"she said to Nia before walking out the door into 

The girl just went up to her apartment into her room her mom was at work of course so she just sat in her room listening to music as she wrote her own music
"I'm just tryna match your word with your actions I need more than satisfaction do you feel a connection" She sung

She heard a knock on the door not long after she got up and looked through the peephole to see Booker she just stayed quite and walked back to her room she decided to change her clothes so she doesn't blend into the night

She continues making her own music that's what she does make music sing and dance it's her dream soon she got a text


I can hear the music open the door

"Damn" She whispered before getting up to answer the door as soon as she answered is he gave her a hug almost making her lose her balance "calm down" She smiled hugging him back

"Sit" She says"what's going on"I ask"nothing I came here to check on you"Booker Baxter Carter "she said" Dang why you gotta act like my momma man"he groaned playfully she just laughed

"I really came over to hang out" He smiled "okay did you ask Raven" She asked "dang" He said getting up"I'll tell you what you can spend the night ask your mom and I'll ask my mom"she said getting up

"Deal" He said "deal"she says getting up and grabbing her phone and went straight to the contact 'Birth giver🥰👑'


" Hey momma can Booker stay the night it's just a sleep over"I ask "yes and I won't be home till like five in the morning Janet didn't come into work" Aaliyah says

"Okay thank you" She says"your welcome baby love you" "Love you too" She said before hanging up"she said yes"book yelled "my mom did too" She yelled"well go get your clothes and a bean bag I'm gonna have to lower my bed"she said walking to her room

"Alright I'll text you when I'm outside your door" He says "why do that if you just walked through my apartment door" She asked in confusion "good point"he said walking out the door

" boys oh boys there cute but dumb"I say



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