Number eight

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The five of us making our little herd are getting closer and closer towards Glacier Pass the more we walk, my chest tightening each time I think about this being our last moments together before we split up. 

"All right. Lets get you whole cleaned up. I mean what's your daddy gonna say when we go back smudgy and stinky like this? Ok lets clean that up. That looks good and little bit..." Sid no longer had the chance to 'clean' the baby because Manny pushed his hand away. 

"You clean up nice - little fellow." Manny said and Sid picked up the baby. 

"I think he start to look like me. Hey Diego, what do you say?" Instead of answering nor sparring him a look, Diego spoke.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Why not?"

"Because if we save him, he'll grow up to be a hunter. And who do you thing he'll hunt?" The tiger frowned at Sid. I mean, he's right at one hand but there are either way other hunters so it doesn't really matter, and he belongs to his own.

"Maybe because we save him he won't hunt us. Au!" Right as Sid stated, the baby pinched him. 

"Yea, maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you mamma!" Diego snapped with irritation weighting in his tone, filling me with confusion what gotten into him so suddenly when yesterday he was just fine.

"What's wrong with you? You're acting...weird." Jumping from from Manny's head to stand by the tiger, half of my body already got lost in the snow. He glanced at me and back around, like he were searching for someone. 

"Nothing. Lets go. It's freezing my tail off." He moved on and so did we, me having to jump from spot to spot to actually get somewhere. The fur on my back stood as we entered short tunnel like, feeling hungry and evil eyes watching us. I can't seem to find anyone, only noticing Diego frozen in his place, staring at nothing particular.

"Hey Diego you've frozen back there?" It came out as joke from Manny, even tho no one laughed. My brows knitted in slight worry when Diego still didn't move, until he finally snapped out of it and ran to us. 

"Get down!" 

"What?" Manny asked. 

"Shhh. Get down and follow me." Diego turned his voice into whisper, as if someone is really watching us and he don't want them to hear what he's saying.

"Hey, hey what's going on?" Sid asked, not understanding like me and Manny. 

"At the bottom of Half-peak, there is an ambush waiting for you." The world suddenly like cracked at Diego's words and guilty look, avoiding eye contact.


"What do you mean ambush?"

"You set us up?!" My voice pierced through the air with betrayal, heart beating in rapid speed. 

"It was my job, I was supposed to get the baby but then-" He tried to defend himself, to no avial. 

"You brought us home for dinner!!!" Shouted the biggest one out of us, glaring down at Diego's form with furious betrayal. 

"That's it you're out of the herd." Sid pointed at the traitor of tiger.

"Why? Why?! When we were just getting along!" He gave me quick apologetic look and looking down, unable to keep looking into neither of ours eyes. 

"I am sorry." Manny suddenly pinned him against the wall with his tuck, holding him by throat.

"No you're not. Not yet." 

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