Chapter 7

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*after 30 minutes*

Aera's POV

After driving for 30 minutes to our destination me and Chanwoo arrived in a place where i'm not familiar with but it was a beach area.. how does he even know i like beach places when going somewhere, well maybe he asked Mizuki what i like that little kid really does know how to be secretive even though it looks like she's not hiding it.
After Chanwoo parked the car in the parking lot he got out of the car and go to my side of the car and open the door for me

Chanwoo: Here let me grab your hand *smiles*

He reached out his hand for me to grab while i'm getting out of the car and i gladly accepted it

Aera: Thank you *flashing her bunny smile*

I was about to stand up from my seat in the car when i suddenly let go of Chanwoo's hand and stumbled and almost fell in the ground but luckily Chanwoo catched me in the right time...

But in that moment it's like time stopped while me and Chanwoo just stare at each other like this is the first time we saw each other's face closely but i do admit he has the most handsome face i have ever seen in my life and those beautiful eyes that look at me shining in the dark is very different tonight those eyes tonight are full with love staring at me with full beauty...

After i realize what i just said in my head i quickly stand up properly and fix my dress i cleared my throat and started to talk

Aera: So uh should we go now?

Chanwoo: Sure let's go

He put his hand infront of me so that we can hold hands and i accept it with a warm smile

We go to the entrance of the beach and i gasp because i saw how beautiful our dinner setting is

We go to the entrance of the beach and i gasp because i saw how beautiful our dinner setting is

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Chanwoo looked at me when i gasp beside him and smiled

Chanwoo: Do you like it?

Aera: Yes, yes i do

Chanwoo: I knew you would *smiles*

Aera: And i did

Chanwoo: Okay let's sit down and have dinner

Aera: Mhm

Chanwoo: Here sit down

Aera: Thanks

*2 minutes later*

Chanwoo's POV

Me and Aera are done eating and now were at the beach walking around in the white and soft sand enjoying the wind and sound of the beach

Okay Kim Chanwoo this is your chance to say your real feelings to Aera you can do this

Chanwoo: Aera?

Aera looked at me when i said her name and puts her bunny smile which always melts me every time she does flash it to my face

Aera: Yes?

Chanwoo: I want to tell you something..

She stop walking and faced me and i looked at her while i'm taking a deep breathe

Chanwoo: I- i like y- no i mean i- i l-love yo-you

I looked away from her because i feel my face heating up and she was speechless?

Maybe she was just shocked ugh dang it Chanwoo you shouldn't have said that I looked at her again and she looked at me too

Aera: I- i don't know how to react to that 

Chanwoo: Yes it's fine i should be sorry because i said that to early and i just started courting you so yea

Aera: No i'm sorry i rejected you many times i'm not really into boys when we were at highschool so yea and i didn't understand love yet in that time but we became friends afterall and that's the most important

Chanwoo: Neh i agree

Chanwoo: So shall we go home now?

Aera: Yes of course i'm already wondering what is Mizu doing alone in our dorm

Chanwoo: Yea me too even though i let Hyukjin incharge i'm still sure their doing something i don't like

Aera and Chanwoo: Those kids really

Me and Aera looked at each other wide eyed because we both said the same thing at the same time

Aera: Hahahaha are we in a telepathy game or something?!

Chanwoo: I don't think so

Aera: Let's just go home now

Chanwoo: Yea let's go

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