chapter 24

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In the evening, we have some free time during work. Somehow everyone has some time to visit the night scene in Hong Kong.

I was thinking of inviting Chae to go shopping. As soon as I called, I found that the young lady already went out strolling in some wild place.

‘Lalisa! You quickly come over here! The things here are really cheap!’

‘You still owe a lot of money, be careful don’t burst your credit card.’ I reminded her.

‘Aiya, it is really worth it ah. Hey, are you coming or not?’

‘Not going. I don’t have much money. I want to save some money. I just want to buy some daily necessities. Is there any good quality and cheap place to recommend?’

Chae told me the address and asked me one last time ‘Really not coming? Your life really not much fun!’

I smiled and hung up the phone and went to the cheap little supermarket she has recommended.

I took and change a few public transports. I got off and walk along the main road, and then turn a few turns……. how come the more I walk, the more I don’t see the supermarket atmosphere ah.

Am I lost? Where is this place? I was talking to myself, trying to find a road sign. Turn around to survey, and I found that although the road was dark, secluded but still have a lot of peoples. It seem to have many pairs of hidden eyes in the dark, peeping at me like a beast…….. foolishly broke into the herd of the wolves that foolish little sheep.

Looking at those ghostly figures, my heart began to jump. I immediately turned and ran toward the main road, en route bump into a man who was covered with alcoholic smell. Because that man was holding a bottle in his hand and it got knock down onto the ground, a vicious curse was burst out. I feel more panic and I run as fast as I can.

‘Chae ah, what kind of route is this ah?’ When I was think I’m going to cry, the main road gradually appeared however I was unable to relax or come myself down.

Luckily, unexpectedly I found the station where I came from. When I was holding onto the bus information board to gasp a breath, I bumped into someone. That man was not like the drunkard that got knocked to the side, instead he moved closer and his mouth rascally say something. Although I don’t understand his words, but at the present situation don’t even need to see also aware what was going on. I continuously telling myself, don’t cry, must not cry. I must remain calm, must calm down, however my body involuntarily retreating in dismay. At this moment, here come again two men from the side blocked my way out and one of the man even put his hand onto my shoulder.

‘Let me go!’ I heard myself screaming.

Those men seem to get more excited and approached nearer.

Just when I was starting to feel despair, a car appeared at the corner of the street, speeding all the way and rush straight ahead onto the sidewalk and brake with a skid sound. Those few hooligans were forced to jump aside.

Taehyung jumped out of the car, dash over and shouted ‘Get lost!’

I stumbled toward Taehyung, grasped his jacket and cried out in sobs ‘President, Taehyung……..’

Taehyung patted me, again look at those people in the darkness and said to me ‘Get into the car.’

And then he speed all the way, bring me out from the darkness into the light.

‘Drink this.’ At the hotel’s restaurant, Taehyung ordered a glass of warm milk for me.

After a sip, a warm and sweet feeling blended into the body, indeed the feeling of being reincarnated. After a few sip, I held the glass and asked ‘How is your wrist, like this you still drove the car……. did it get hurt?’

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