The meet with monokuma..

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Shuichi saihara.
Kaede:I'm kaede akamatsu!
Shuichi and I started looking around.
After looking around we left out the door
And we saw....
Me and shuichi ran as fast as we could to a random room
We saw 14 people
???:did you get chased by that monster?
???:who are you?
All of them started talking at once and some random teddies
We're saying they messed up and father would be mad and one of the said teddies said
???:hold on do you bastards know your ultimate
Kaede:what's a ultimate?
???:so they don't...
Another bear said:
???:hold these are not your clothes!
We all got confused and those teddies threw some random clothes
We all got got them on somehow and it turned pitch black....

words these is based on a game chapter danganropa
Some people may know it so no spoilers

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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