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After visiting Mrs Taro, the three heros-in-training went into a few more shops around the street, exploring the area. Or rather, Deku and Iida were. Uraraka was far too lost in the complexities of her own mind that she completely ignored the fluffy stuffed animals and sparkly charms that surrounded her. She carried on her face a look of great frustration and bewilderment. She watched the two boys fiddle with all the store items in an attempt to cheer her up but all she did was nod, oblivious to her circumstances. She lived in her head, unable to comprehend anything.

Bakugou? She married him of all people?! It's not like she had anything against him, but she did have anything for him either -- let alone, feelings! She barely even talked to that angry human grenade and suddenly, she's married to the guy?!
Her thoughts trailed back to the future, with both of them sharing a bed: their bare shoulders, their playful banter, their synchronization. The more she thought about it, the more her face turned red with embarrassment and not the romantic, cute kind. The type of embarrassment filled with disappointment and shame that she even considered a future with Deku. That type of embarrassment where one felt humiliated and exposed. A completely unfamiliar and raw emotion.

Of course she wouldn't end up with Deku! Fate would never allow such a thing. It punished her with the exact opposite of a Deku, a freaking Bakugou, for her impatience and greed. The regret in the back of her mind taunted her, saying "If only you hadn't looked..."

"Uraraka! Here!" She snapped out of her thoughts to look up, her brain lagging so far behind that , for the first time, her eyes met Deku's without excitement. He was holding a small pink plastic bag. "Take it," he said.

Uraraka slowly took it, "What's this?"

"Iida and I decided to get you something to make you happier! Mrs. Taro gave us a discount and I know you'd never want to let that pass, right?" He smiled. Uraraka tried to do the same but couldn't seem to curve her lips. The two boys sighed. "Whatever you saw in your future, it can still change! Isn't that why you looked in the first place? To fix your mistakes?"

Blinking away the fogginess in her eyes, Uraraka looked dumbfounded. Why hadn't she thought of that? Fate laughed at her and stabbed her in the back so why couldn't she do the same to Fate? Almost instantly, she smiled a smile so big and stressed that it startled the two boys.

"You know, Uraraka, I appreciate your efforts but please avoid forcing a smile in front of us!" Iida said.

Her smile only getting wider, she replied, "Ah! Don't worry, Iida!! It's not fake!!" She did a little twirl to emphasize her joy. "I'm just so relieved and angry at myself for not realizing sooner!! Deku, you're brilliant as usual! I'll change my future!!"

"I'm glad we could help, Uraraka."

"NOW!! Let's go eat! All that stressing made me super super hungry!!" She hopped out of the store, giggling.

She wasn't going to marry Bakugou, nothing on this planet could force her to take such a masochistic decision! Yes, she thought firmly, nothing will change her mind! She was dead set on a certain Deku and a mere misfortune wasn't going to make her give up! Uraraka put the gift bag away in her purse to open, too distracted to realize she never opened it. Leading the way, Uraraka was finally able to enjoy their group outing a little bit more -- for now, at least.

For lunch, the group went to eat at Uraraka's favorite (cheap) ramen restaurant, namely because Iida objected to just buying ramen from the convenience store and eating it. Slurping down her noodles, she listened to the boys speak. They talked about how strong each one of them was and how much they improved, making an emphasis on all Uraraka's achievements, just in case she still felt bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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