Tommi & Olli X reader- Scream (Part 1/3)(vampire AU)

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Yo i'm back with this it was suppsed to be a haloween special but i took so long to get how it i wanted it but i hope you like it ,tell me what you think❤️❤️❤️ also these two are my favorite duo🤩🤩

Tommi and Olli have always been your best friends. Ever since you were little kids, you've been inseperable. Now you were older and you still cherished the relationship you had with them more and more. Tommi was the oldest and biggest of you all. He always protected you and Olli if needed. If someone said something bad about Tommi, you and Olli would happily tell them off. You would always do stuff together.

Ever since you were in your teens you loved having movie nights together either at home or at the cinema. It was one of your favorite things to do together. Since then you have invited Olli and Tommi for a movie night at least 3 times a month. Everytime and they always said yes. Except for now.

It was late in the evening and you were hanging out at Tommi's place. You had just found out they were re-showing twilight at the cinema near you. You bought 3 tickets assuming you were gonna watch it with your boys, but when you told them what movie it was , they dropped out. "Do you really like those vampire boys?" Tommi asked. You knew he was trying to make you embarrased but you caught the hint of courosity in his voice. While waiting for your answer you notice Olli staring at you, being a little too exited for your answer. "I mean, i think they're cool, vampires are definetly better than werewolves" You hear Olli let out a shaky laugh at that. Tommi looks down in his lap with tiny smirk on his face. "why are you so againt vampires? We have watched way scarier things!" You say assuming they were scared. What other reason would they have to not join you? "We just think it's kinda wierd, that's all" Olli said, trying to seem cool about it. You had to give it one last try so you pulled out the oldest tricks in the book.

"Then i'll have no one to hold my hand if I get scared" You say and pout at them. You're sitting in between the boys in Tommi's big bed. None of them even look at you. They don't even trow a glance. You sit back on the bed, leaning into the wall. "Maybe i'll have to ask Joel to take me then" You say. You can see both Tommi and Olli raise their eyesbrows and turn to look at you. For a split second you see Olli's eyes are dark. So dark they almost scare you. He looks annoyed. You blink to see if your mind is playing tricks on you and when you open them they're back to normal. But he's looking a little pale. Tommi too seems to have lost some color. He's clenching his fist.

"Just kidding guys" you say and playfully raise your arms up in a defensive position. They both smile at that, loosening the atmosphere. "I'll drop going, we can watch something here at home" you say. You wrap your arm around Olli and lean you both into Tommi's embrace. You lay your head against his chest and you can feel he's kind of cold, even trough his shirt.

Tommi and Olli decide to leave for Tonight. Leaving you waiting for your movienight tomorrow. Once they're out the door you noticed Tommi's forgotten his hoodie. You pick it up and smell his cologne. He smells so good, you almost don't wanna give it back to him. Maybe you should just sleep in it. You run to the door to reach them before they're too far away, but you end up stopping a few meters away from the door. You can hear them talking, and their words quickly catch your attention.

You hear Olli. It's too much, i can't control it anymore"  You wonder what he's talking about, he sounds pretty frustrated. Poor Olli. Tommi sighs heavily. "You have to, we're not gonna hurt her because she's too hard to resist, she's not a piece of meat".  Classic Tommi, calm and collected. But what does he mean? It gets quiet before Olli continues. "I know I know, but it was so hard with that top she was wearing!" It gets completely silent again for a moment. You don't know what to think, but your heart is beating faster every second. "She smells too good" You barely hear Olli say it, his voice is a little quieter. You hear a hint of shame in his voice. "I know, Olli, i feel it too. We love her too much to do something she doesn't want, right?" You hear Tommi put his hand on Olli's shoulder. You don't hear Olli answering. You think they're done talking, but you can't move. You stand there still. You wait for their footsteps, but you can't hear them leaving. Then after a few seconds, you hear something. " You won't bite her" It's Tommi. Then you hear their footsteps walking away from your house. Your heart had started to calm down, but now it was worse than before. You have no idea what to do.

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