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"So, do you know the verdict?" Lea questions, cleaning off one of the coffee tables for incoming customers to enjoy the seating.

"No, I don't; I'm definitely worried though..." y/n admits, scared of what was gonna come from the incident last week. "He seemed pretty confident though."

The woman cleaning nods, offering an assuring smile. "I'm sure he'll do just fine."

y/n doesn't respond, she just looks down at the register, remembering the agreement her and Wilbur had come upon last week while in all of the chaos.

"So it's true, you two are taking it slow? Like I said to?" Lea brings up that exact conversation, geabbing the attention of y/n.

Her head of h/c hair bobs in a nod, still off in her own world; thinking on how the man she felt so conflicted towards went from the couch to her bed and back to the couch in such a small span of time.

It felt like they were back at square one all over again. But there was a plus side to it this time. "We don't fight or really even bicker. At least, we haven't since last weeks incident."

Wilbur had indeed been fired from the shop as y/n assumed the day she saw a dead guy in front of her apartment building, but she was spared by the big man, resulting in Wilbur becoming the equivalent of a house husband.

He cleaned, and when in the mood, attempted to cook for the two of them. It was sweet, and y/n enjoyed the kind gestures.

But today there wouldn't be any food out, because Wilbur was in court on behalf of his case; where they were debating if his actions were manslaughter or murder.

The entire town was watching, seeing as something like this had never been seen by any of them. It was more than a rare sight to locals such as the girls.

y/n hated it. So many eyes being on him at once. She didn't know why.

"So, when do you think he'll be done?" Lea pestered again, making y/n sigh harshly. She didn't want to keep feeling the pit of worry in her gut grow with each inquiry.

"I don't know, Lea. Can we please stop talking about it?"

The woman offers an apologetic nod, before her mood picks right back up. "But he left at nine, it's already three—"

"Hello coffee shop people!" It's just then that a familiar man with a lengthy body and fluffy brown hair throws himself into the workplace of the two women, avoiding some news teams chasing him down the road. Lea goes out to shoo them off before they can get inside.

"My Love," Chestnut eyes lock with e/c ones, and y/n doesn't hesitate to run out from behind the counter top to reach Wilbur, arms wrapping around him tightly.


His laugh echoes, returning the hold. "It's only been a few hours, you missed me that much? I didn't think you were capable of that."

y/n suddenly growls, slapping the man in his chest with a huff, head turning away. "I didn't know if you'd come back or be shoved into a cell, am I supposed to not worry?"

"Oh? Maybe you should date me then? I'd never leave you behind—" Seeing y/n's angry glare he laughs a little, waving her expression off. "Oh calm down, you know I'm just screwing with you: it's just so easy to, have you seen yourself?"

y/n turns away and walks back behind the counter, seeing Wilbur frown a little as Lea laughs at them both making fools of themselves in public.

"Oh, don't be like that Darling~ has anyone ever told you how cute you are when pouting?" Wilbur smirks, and the girl his dazzling eyes were set on shy's away. "So, this is what it's like to be a free man."

Lea rolls her eyes, offering a small cup of black coffee. "You were never not a free man."

"I was close to it! They thought I'd killed him in cold blood for a second there!" Wilbur cries and Lea shakes her head, walking off to throw the trash from an old table away. "It really helped me when they found his past record of assaults."

"Uh huh, you're just lucky they didn't look for records. You'd have been fucked my friend."

Wilbur lets out a small sigh of exhaustion, sitting down at a table in relief that it was over. "Yeah... I know."

"But you're okay, that's what matters. It's all behind us, so let's just focus on now."



Idk here's a quick chapter to update everyone on their status rn.

The courts of courts are fake, I know they'd do extensive research. Don't worry about it, it's wattpad.

And it all happened in a week because it wasn't some mystery who killed the man.

Uhm so yeah they're taking it slow. Not dating but not, not dating, you know?

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