trust me.

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A girl was running for her life.

Sweat dripped down her face as she sped up not to get caught by them. She didn't want to go back. She wanted her own life. She was sick of being controled by someone. That's why she ran away.

People in the subway were looking at her like she was some kind of a psycho, but she didn't care. She could hear someone running after her, chasing her and she knew who it was.

"stop you bitch! at the end i will catch you after all!" she heard him breathing heavily as he was trying to keep up with her.

You won't catch me, she thought and kept running as fast as she could. She couldn't catch her breath but the man was so close she told herself not to stop until she at least finds a spot to hide. She turned her head back to saw him pulling out a knife from his pocket. She had one herself but thought she would waste her time by searching for it.

She couldn't run anymore and started panicking. There was surely more than one man chasing her and she was screwed by now. Maybe if she'd asked some stranger to help her she could escape. But that only happened in the movies.

She took the left turn then, hiding in a space in between the walls seeing the man continue to run in the direction as she did before. She slid her body down the wall wrapping her arms around her knees. There was no time, another member of the cult could show up in a minute. She tried to catch her breath coughing.

A loud scream was heard all over the subway. She knew it was the man's voice and she got up on her feet. Looking around she didn't saw a single way to escape.

"here you are, you fucking whore! i'm gonna kill you!" anger in the man's voice terrified her and she was running again.
She ran and ran pushing other people out of her way without the need to apologize to them. It seemed to her the subway was never ending. She felt like she's gonna be stuck in here until the man catches her and then kill her.

Not being focused on what's going on around her she bumped into someone hardly she almost fell, but the person's strength didn't allow her to go down. Y/n didn't see his face but was sure it was a man. She noticed they weren't in the subway anymore as he took her away from the crowds.

She kept her eyes closed try to let go of him but he was really strong. She didn't know who he was but had a suspicion it might be someone from the cult. So she just waited until he kills her.

Realizing she failed, she broke down started crying and her body was shaking.

"shh, shh. don't cry. you're safe now," she heard his deep worried voice comforting her wrapping his arms around her body. His fingers caressing her back she layed her head on his shoulder.

"it's okay, don't be afraid, i'm gonna protect you."

She looked into his eyes wipping her tears off. "who are you?" he couldn't help but notice how scared she still was, by just hearing her voice.

"my name's Wi Ha Joon, miss. I came here to help you escape Soo-jin and his gang."

She didn't believe him. But she had a feeling that he was being honest. Trying to say something she whispered silently: "can i trust you mr. Wi Ha Joon?"

"yes you can. i promise i will set you free from him." he stared into her eyes with a sincere look. Even he sounded like he meant it, she just couldn't believe him so easily. She did this mistake once and then she fell.

"i don't trust you sir," she said.
"i will make you trust me, miss" he answered calmly, not being distracted by what she said.

"it's y/n not miss," she noted and he smiled.

trust me. | wi ha joon Where stories live. Discover now