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It was possibly the hottest day in gotham the family was sitting in the living room.

"Alf can you turn on the air conditioning" Dick said in a whiny tone

"Apologies master Dick but it seems the air conditioning is broken "

"Noooo" Jason said sadly

"Not like we have a choice Jason" Bruce said trying to use his book as a fan

"Cant we just use the pool" Tim said

"....WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT!" They said in unison

"tt imbeciles" Damian  mumbled under his breath
"Whooohhoo" Dick cheered as
They all jumped in the pool

They were all splashing around enjoying the coldness of the water

"Hey Dami cmon and take a swim" she said to Damian who was standing next to the pool wearing clothes that weren't really fit for a hot day
"No thanks" he said

"Aw cmon demon not adraid of a little water now are we" Tim said

"tt of course not Drake I just dont want to"

The brothers just looked at each other and smiled evily Damian of course was confused on what her brothers were planning

They all suddenly got out of the pool
"H-Hey what-" Damian couldnt finish her sentence as her brothers threw her in the pool

They all laughed at her

No she couldnt breathe

She felt so numb

She remembered her time in the league Grandfather dumped her in the Lazarus pit again since she got seriously hurt on a mission
"Tch pathetic if you really want to be my heir try harder you idiot"
She remembered him saying that to her in a venomous tone

She remembers the pain as the waters of the pit went inside your body

She remembers the pit whispering quietly to her




"So you feeling cooler now Demon"Jason said giving a smirk

Damian just quietly got out of the pool not saying a word

"Hey Damian are  you alright a" Bruce said a bit concerned as she was still silent

She suddenly lunged at Bruce her hands on his neck choking him

Her grip was never this strong before he thought her brothers tried to het her of Bruce but froze when they saw her eyes

They were glowing green even greener than Jasons and thats when they realized she was having pit madness

Damians eyes widened as she finaly came back to her senses

"Father?" She said shocked as she got up him "I-I didnt -Im sorry -I"
She was shaking and crying you could tell she was terrified of what happened

"Damian was that...pit madness"Jason asked

"I-y-yes that..."she trailed of
Dick reached out to her in attempt to comfort her she put her arms in a defensive manner did.. did she think he was gonna hit him? They all thought

Realizing her mistake Damian eyes widened she clutched her head as she sobbing

Dick hugged her tightly "shhh iys alright Damian your fine" he said trying comfort the youngest

"No go away he'll make me kill you" she said shaking


"G-Grandfather he'll make me kill you"

"He isnt here Damian your safe" Bruce said joining the hug Tim and Jason soon followed

"Why...why do you not punish me I showed weakness in front of you why do you not hit me dont you all hate me" she said sadly

They all looked at her shocked
"We wont do that to you ever" Jason said trying to soothe her

"And we dont hate you we love you Damian" Tim said stroking her hair

"E-Even if I am a useless brat"

"You arent a useless brat Damian your our little girl" Dick said in a soft voice

"me being a girl....is it fine to you would you perfer it if I were a boy?"

"Who cares about your gender GOD I WANNA PUNCH RAS FOR BEING A SEXIST" Jason growled
Which caused Damian to giggle a little

"Thank you I love you all" she said

"We love you  to"

Yea she was gonna be just fine here


Drowning In A Greenly Death(fem Dami)Where stories live. Discover now