Vampires shouldn't be here

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"ow" leon with a monotone tone says as Ariel wakes on top of him.

"shit sorry" Ariel backs away off him.

"could be worse" Leon sits up.

"a bigger bed would of been nice" Ariel comments getting off the bed.

"well here we are" Leon goes on the side of the bed groaning.

"you going to take a shower first" Ariel asks.

"ladies first" Leon smirks.

Time skip
Ariel walks out of the bathroom in a gray tank top with Green jeans and hiker boots.

"hey cowgirl" Leon sarcastically says to her smiling.

"shut up" Ariel walks to her bag as Leon walks into the bathroom.

Ariel goes through her bag pulling out her handgun loading it up. Ariel then lifts her shirt putting her gun in her shorts.

Two hours later
Leon's driving a green jeep with no windows and half doors. Ariel sighs fanning herself with her hand. "your hot" Leon asks adjusting the air condtioner for it not to work "piece of shit" Leon bangs on it.

"hopefully we don't burn to death before getting there" Ariel leans back.

"20 more minutes" Leon goes back to focusing fully on the road.

"were going to Rural part of Mexico with vampires fun" Ariel sarcastic says rolling her eyes.

Leon chuckles and keeps on driving.

30 minutes Later
"looks empty" Ariel looks at the small village. "thats never good stay sharp" Leon takes out his gun. They slowly start walking around to find an empty town.

"are you sure this is the right place" Ariel asks.

"yeah" Leon points his gun around to find nothing but an empty village with some animals.

"maybe they left" Ariel suggests.

Leon walks over to a church "aim" he orders.

Ariel aims for the door as Leon opens the door slowly. Leon walks in ahead of her "stay sharp".

"looks like a regular church to me" Ariel looks around.

"I wouldn't trust it" Leon walks over to the alter to see writings in spanish all over "just like spain" leon says grabbing Ariel's attention.

"maybe not so normal" Ariel gulps. The church door slams shut. "what the hell" Leon walks to the door to open it but can't.

They hear glass breaking. "Leon" Ariel yells as the chruch starts to catch on fire.

"shit" Leon backs away from the fire.

"what do we do" Ariel yells.

"come on" Leon grabs her hand and runs to a window. Leon shoots the window breaking it then cups his hands "jump".

"leon what about you" Ariel yells.

"I'll be fine just go" Leon yells. Ariel gets on his hands and jumps up climbing out the burning church. Leon follows suit jumping up and over the window and jumps down.

"are you okay" Leon asks checking Ariel. Ariel nods "I'm okay are you".

"yeah" Leon looks at the burning church. "we should get to maybe shooting whoever did this" Ariel suggests.

"ready when you are" leon smirks.

"lets kick some vampire ass" Ariel gets her gun ready.

Leon and Ariel run to the front to see nothing. "someone should have been here the fire" Ariel looks back the chruch still burning.

"lets get the hell out of here" Leon walks off. "whats that" Ariel points to something in the distance. They walks slowly to their desination to see a dead body. Leon walks up to it kneeling down. "neck" Ariel whispers.

Leon moves the man's head to reveal two bite marks. "see vampires" Ariel whispers. "shit" Leon stands up. They hear spanish yelling. "Leon" Ariel turns around to see a crowd of people coming at them.

"Run" Leon yells as they both run away from the crowd "This isn't how I imagined my first day"

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