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I felt like the story was kinda rushed and that was because I had my exams approaching. So, here is the chapter because I feel a need to clear certain things and make the ending somewhat better. Hope you enjoy.

Yoongi sat on the bed calling jungkook's name with his already thick voice, he was hoping for the older to respond to him.

His mind was blank, he has no idea what to do next. For a few seconds his frozen body sat there watching jungkook lying there while his blood flowing out continuously.

Before he had this epiphany that sitting there crying wasn't going to do any better. He did the best thing he could think of at that moment, ran out of the room in his to call for help.

He was not conscious enough to figure out that he was running around in a t-shirt and boxers, bare-footed. The Cold floor tapping against his feet reminding him that he could still save the person.

His wild feet visited every corner of the building to find any help, while his already abused throat screaming to get at least any single person's attention.

Why, why exactly things were going so wrong that day yoongi had no idea. That was exactly like that time when he was on a roller coaster ride in his 2nd grade, when the only thing he could do was to scream and cry because he couldn't control his surrounding.

By now, yoongi was certain that there was Noone in the building. Which was not an usual event. That was the same house where not a word was spoken without jungkook's permission.

Which made it obvious that jungkook planned it all. Every single thing. Not even Mr Lee was in the house at that moment, and that proved yoongi even right.

His defeated self dashed back to the room where jungkook was lying, tears streamed down his cheeks with the same rate as jungkook's blood was seeping in the white sheets.

Yoongi broke into sobs lacing his fingers in jungkook's damp hair, still calling his name with his hoarse voice.

The same feeling of helplessness. The same feeling he had when he saw his mother dying in front of him and he watched her die. The same feeling when he couldn't do anything to save his father.

It was like an endless cycle, everyone yoongi ever love left him. Or was it just Yoongi's fault for loving someone that they have to die. His head flooded with the self loathe as he sobbed looking at jungkook.

Blinking the stray tear away yoongi placed his trembling hand on jungkook's neck and felt a faint movement there and his body froze.

"j-jung-" yoongi chocked on his tears as he sobbed like a child. Yeah, he lost everyone he ever loved but not jungkook. He was not gonna give up that easily this time.

Wiping his tears, he scanned the room to dfind any source to reach someone. And yes, the phone jungkook was talking yesterday was lying on the table.

Without wasting any further moment yoongi rushed to the table and picked up the phone. The screen with 'don't panic' displayed as yoongi pressed the power button.

'he knew' yoongi thought as he went straight to the contacts and called the person he needed the most at that moment.

His trembling nails found the placed in between his teeth as he started grinding them, praying for the older to pickup the call.

Min-ho shook his hand with the man in front of him, still wearing that fake smile. He just hoped he leave the place soon, there was no way he would be able to act friendly more that 15 more minutes. His social battery was almost dead.

"we're looking forward for your answer" he informed politely bowling before he made his way towards the exit and that annoying smile dropped off his face.

"hope that shit head get fired soon, so jungkook doesn't have to deal with his annoying ass" he mumbled as he took his phone out of his pocket and placed it in the mount, starting the car with a tired sigh.

As he stopped at the red light and his eyes fell on the bright screen of his phone which was showing jungkook's name on the screen. Before he could reach the phone the call ended.

"what does he want now, first his moody self sent me to that shitty meeting and now he's calling me? I swear, understanding him is tougher than quantum physics" he mumbled as the light turned green and he started the car again.

Min-ho was sure that jungkook was calling to apologize for making him do all those stuffs alone, that was same every time he left for a meeting alone. Jungkook would call him and bug him to come soon because apparently the younger feels lonely without him.

Min-ho smiled remembering the complaining face jungkook makes whenever he reach home late. But whet he couldn't know was how the notification of 3 missed calls were hidden behind that dark screen.

Yoongi pulled his hair re-dialing the only contact saved in the phone. Min-ho's screen lit up once more and he was fast enough to pickup the call.

"I am sorry jungkook-ah my phone was on silent, don't worry I'll be there soon" he informed quickly as his finger hover over the red button.

"h-hyung!" Yoongi's low hoarse called making his thumb halt. "yoongi-shi? What's jungkook's phone doing with you?" he asked with concern mixed with a bit of bitterness.

"yes?" min-ho asked again as the only thing he could hear was gibberish and heavy breathing from the other side of the phone. The way yoongi was behaving was increasing min-ho's stress and fear.

Yoongi tried to say it a bit clear this time but min-ho could not catch it again but he was sure it was something related to jungkook. Considering what happened yesterday made him feel even nervous about the situation.

"can you fucking speak clearly yoongi!" minho snapped and Yoongi's sobs got low. "now, speak" minho commanded.

"someone shot j-jungkook. I-I don't know what to d-do hyung. T-there's no one here i-in the house t-too. H-his neck is all b-bloody-" yoongi chocked placing his hand on the speaker he tried to suppress his sobs which were getting louder only.

The only voice echoing in the silent line was Yoongi's soft sobs." is he alive? "min-ho asked slowly. Yoongi placed his finger below jungkook's nose and felt an uneven breathing before saying a weak 'yes' and a sigh could be heard from the line.

" listen here, yoongi you don't have to panic okay. I'll be there in just ten minutes. Have you called 911 yet?" he asked urgently.

"n-no" yoongi felt ashamed for not being active while he needed to be. "fine, I'll do it. You just need to listen to me yeah? Please, try to stop the bleeding or else he'll lose a lot of blood. Have he lost lit of blood already?" min-ho paused.

"I-I think so" yoongi looked at the red bedsheet which was white a while ago.

"okay, don't panic . Just try to stop the bleeding and make sure you don't move him much or the bullet can cause even more damage" min-ho stopped for a while to contain his emotions . Closed his eyes as the tear slipped down his cheek.

"and, try to stay by his side. He doesn't like to be alone. I'll call the emergency service" he informed with tight jaw before disconnecting the call.

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