information/main idea

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Inspired by Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle by CLAMP.

a place where something is kept in store

-Enemy: Lupo famiglia (it's older than Vongola cos @ Vatic Tale, when Vongola is at 1st generation, Lupo is already at 3rd)

-Lupo's aim is world domination aka getting the Tri-Ni-Sette in their hands.

-The reason why Lupo @ Vatic Tale sent Valeria to kill Vongola, is to get Vongola rings into their hands. They receives information regarding how Vongola rings hold power from the future (which is this story's past's Lupo)

-The Lupo in the previous time got the power to contact the past because they stole Bovino famiglia's researches regarding the Ten Year Bazooka, however, since in this present, Lupo doesn't have the Vongola rings on their posession, it means the past (Vatic Tale's Lupo Terzo) failed.

-Lupo famiglia does human experiments

-Kawahira is weaken (note that he isn't immortal, he just can live long as a true earthling, and in this world his time to die is already near) and caught off guard, he got caught by the Lupo and thus experimented (his flames drained but he died to keep his mouth closed regarding the 7³)

-Lupo aims to create a vessel, strong enough to contain and control the trinisette. (It's Sei from sacrificium/agonizare)

-Sei who was forcefully to contain the 7³ receives a power the moment 7³ was retrieved by Tsuna, Yuni and Byakuran, and as a result the world is on the verge of destroyed.

-Sei's body contains negative power that is equally strong as the 7³

-The souls of the trinisette (remember that Talbot once said that there's a soul, a spirit? inside of the Vongola rings, thus I deems that the whole trinisette also have them) made a decision that it is better to send Sei to the past, where there is still Kawahira, Sephira and the others true earthling who can help to seal Sei's powers

-Tsuna, Yuni, and Byakuran who saw the world's destruction wished for the destruction to not happen, and since the three were the original 7³'s holder, the 7³ abide to their wish and stopped the time and resetted the world.

-Time starts over, however, the three skies has to pay the price for wishing it, and now the three's heart? memory? are locked in an empty space, and their body without any memories were returned to the world

-Since they resetted the world and the world starts over in whatever time it will (they can't choose what time to return since it was a miracle the 7³ was able to even reset it) Tsuna and Byakuran who was supposed to exist already were replaced (to fill the void of the relations that were made)

-However, even if the heart/memory forget, the body remembers. The trinisette holder are still Tsuna, Yuni and Byakuran

-The prices:
Tsuna: since he returns to when he was supposed to be already born, his existence is replaced by Ieyoshi and Nana and Iemitsu died
Yuni: she returns to when she hasn't existed, in exchange her mother, Aria died (everyone else thought it was because of the short-span life curse as the Sky arcobaleno)
Byakuran: since he also returns at the time he's already born, his existence is replaced by [] (he doesn't show up so)

-Ieyoshi and [] was created in order to fill the void that's left by Tsuna and Byakuran.

-The ring that Vongola have is nothing but a fake, a copy, and of course it still hold a strong power and is almost the same as the original, but still, it's very much weaker than the original which Tsuna hold.

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