What's going on?

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Rain, rain was the only thing I could hear at the moment. I started to black out...I felt cold?
I don't know, all I know is that I'm tired
and that I'm...moving? The sound of hooves hitting the ground just outside echoed from where I'm at.
Where am I? Should I be worried?
'Meh it's cool, I think I'm just gonna lay here for a bit.'

"Hey don't sleep, you'll die if you fall asleep."

It sounded like a dude? Wait if I sleep I'll die?...Nice.

"And who might you be stranger?" I asked while looking up at this hooman...? I think that's what you call round eared people? I don't know, I'm just really tired and wet? Why am I wet? And the liquid is warm?
I looked down and saw an arrow and what I could assume is my blood?
Why does this always happen to me? Oh well.

"Names Rick, what's yours?" The guy shall be named Rick said.

"Oh, my name is Roy. Where are we going if I may ask?"

"Where we're going is non of your business,creature." He said in disgusted voice.

"Hey if you don't like me then you could drop me off here and then I would be on my merry way, Hooman." I said calmly back to him. He just rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing.

We continued in silence all the way to our destination(which mind you I still don't know where that is, but oh well.) Rick ended up blind folding me causing me to move around to get free because I don't like having my eyes covered in a strange, big, and unknown place.

"COULD YOU STOP MOVING PLEASE!?" Rick basically screamed in my ear.

"Scream at me again and you won't have a voice to scream with. Now can I please get this blind fold off so I can see, and if you say no I won't comply to were you're taking me." I say in an annoyed voice.

"Just do it Rick." I heard an unknown voice...It kinda sounded familiar, I don't know anymore I just want some cookies.

'Do you think they have food where we're going or no? '🎶I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing you'll be mine🎶' wait where did that come from? What am I supposed to be doing again? Oh yeah!'

I start to walk away with the arrow in my stomach right below the middle of my chest. I took the blind fold off just to walk into a tree branch but beyond that trees branch was a really REALLY big castle.

'Ours is bigger' I thought, then I stoped when I thought I was far enough, I took out the arrow and started to tend to the wound as best as I could until I heard people start running to where I was.

Which caused me to start running as best as I could in a panic, though I didn't make it far enough when I felt someone tackle me to the ground causing the pain to run through out my entire body like a rushing stream leading to a water fall.

"Ow! What was that for!?" I yelled at the person who just tackled me to the forest floor that was in the middle of a clearing I didn't even know I was running into, it was dead and it looked like it wasn't being taken care of, actually it looked like they was trying to build something and messed up and left it alone to ruin what could've been a really pretty place.

I start to struggle to get free from this persons grasp, then I was knocked out by a punch to my left temple.
"ow...what's going on. OW! What was that for."
It felt like a brick just hit me a crossed the face.

"That ladies and gentlemen is what we call the true animal." Said the the stranger that I didn't know. 'No, seriously who is he? Wait did he call me an animal?'

"I'm not an animal pal, get it correct, hooman." I said with a angry tone of voice. "And what are you gonna do about it. Animal."

"I'm not a ani-" BOOM! There was a boom that blown a hole into the side of the...building? I think it was because it was made out of bricks.

The explosion mange to take out the people that brought me here. Though I don't know what could cause.

But we're gonna have to leave it for next time love's😉

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