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Hearing the familiar voice you start to sob not able to keep it in anymore

They grab you into their arms as you wrap your hand around them and just sob our eyes out

Before heesung runs away they put you down and beat up heesung until there knuckles bleed and heesing is all blacked out

??: Hey hey hey y/n shhhh its all ok taetae is here

Tae holds you into his arms as you let out loud sobs

Y/n: H-he t-t-ou-

Tae: Shhhhh don't talk about it ok let it all out

You continue sobbing in taes arm in the middle of a dark ali with 2 men blacked out on the ground


After you were done letting out loud sobs you look up at tae and see him looking at you with his hazle doe eyes

 Tae: I stopped by your house to see you and Yoongi told me you went for a walk to i started walking around the neighborhood hoping to not find you in an ali late at night but i guess i came at the right time or a little too late..-

Y/n: It's never too late tae it could've gotten way worse

Tae: I'm still so sorry you had to go thru that

Y/n: Yea...im sorry for myself too...Um..tae your bleeding!!!


Y/n: Why dont u stop by my house so i can treat it...its the lkeast i could do for you right now

Tae: No its fine..Im really tired

Y/n: Then we could go to ur house and you can sleep while i treat it

Tae: Fine

Y/n: Thank you 

You say in a weak voice 

A/n: "Crying does not mean your waek it means you were strong for too long" -Unknown 

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