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Hermione's POV
Ron's outburst was totally unnecessary so I ran to my room thinking what the fuck had I just done ran for no reason that's not me
I thought maybe I was loosing might that be the reason I ran
Yea that's it
Next thing I hear
'Mione open the door'
It was Fred
'No go away' I practically yelled
'Mione' please open the door'
I had lost Ron that's for sure what the fuck was I thinking about Fred this has ruined everything
4 days later (sorry)
I had still not come out of my room I had not eaten or slept then I hear a knock on my door it's been this way for days every day at the same time Fred knock in my door giving me a speech to come out but I never responded today was different it wasn't Fred at the door it was Harry
' hey hermione is Harry please come out we're all worried about you Fred hasn't left his room today and we need to get him out and you were scared for you mione please just come out we need you I know Ron's an ass but who gives a fuck what he thinks if your happy with Fred so be it please come out'
I didn't respond but instead broke down crying and Harry took the opportunity to blow my door down
He instantly ran to hug me
He help me tight as I was breaking
'Let's go get Fred. What do u say'
I simply nodded

Till next time my lovely's xxx

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