
128 8 1

Name : Y/N l/n

Gender : Female

Age : 15-27

Hair : (H/c)

Eye : (e/c)

Height : 5'0

Lovers : 5 currently

This if how I imagine Y/N to look you can change everything else except for the eye patch

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This if how I imagine Y/N to look you can change everything else except for the eye patch

This if how I imagine Y/N to look you can change everything else except for the eye patch

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Name : Sakura Haruka

Age : 16-28

Height : 5'7

Name : Tomiyama chouji

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Name : Tomiyama chouji

Age : 18-30

Height : 5'5

Name : Hoshi

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Name : Hoshi

Age : 19-31

Height : 6'0

Name : Seishiro Nagi

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Name : Seishiro Nagi

Age : 17-29

Height : 6'3

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