The Treachery

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The creatur attacked me but luckly someone roundhoused kicked it and it flew away! He was so amazing! I turned and saw it was harry stils from one direction! Omg! I screamed like a dying put-put. 'quick we have 2 go there isnt much time' said harry and I was like 'wats wrong' and he was like 'tully the king of dubai has taken over america and the entire world!' and so I was likle oh that’s not good and we got on a jet to escape and we saw that all the explosions happened and there werer buildings crashed and army soldiers everywhere and theere was fighting and they had complete control and it was bad. but then tully came in with his diamond helicopter and shot us down and we were falling and falling and then we crashed landed and we somehow survived amd then tully was all like 'ha I got u now' and instead of saying 'lol no we r going' we kinda had no where to go so he just captured us and we were in jail and it was cold and wet and I didn't like it but at least harry stils is here with me

5 days later

So after being in jail for 5 days and eating off half-dead rats, tully came down and said 'ok it is time you to meet the boss' and so his guards who were in suits came in and they picked us up and we were taken onto a jet and we were on the jet for aaages then we landed and we went down this massive elevator shaft and we got down and there was a big room with a table wit lots of people on it. There was also a massive sign of a triangle with an eye on it so it was the illuminati! We were placed in some sort of protective glass idk what it was made of but it looked strong. Ok so there were lot's of people there like: obama, kim jong un (yes he is alive idk how), miley cyrus, tayla swift, bill nye the science guy, kim kardasians, kanye south, and J K Rowling. They were all part of the illuminati! It was so sad because I thought they were all good people (except kim kardasians maybe) and they were all actually evil and it was so sad. :(

There was one guy at the end of the table, though. His chair was backwards so we couldn't see them. Then they turned around… and it was Jordie, my BFFL! They were the leader of the illuminati! 'omg jordie y r u the head of the illuminati? And they said 'well I have been following you all this time. I was the bus driver for the tour bus, I was your bffl (obiously) I was one of Tully's guards, watching you. I was in 5SOS's party house, watching you. I was the astronaut. I have been watching yopu since you were born, and this was my plan all along.'

It was so sad and I said 'y would u do dis 2 us?' and jordie said 'world domination, of corse' and then tully said 'guards shoot them' and they fired at us…

But suddenly, everything blew up! The nuke that nail and I had jumped off in the third story didn't stop. It just kept going around and around the earth, and it dfinally stopped right above the illuminati HQ. Harry Stils and I were protected because of the really strong glass we were in. it was like in that really bad indiana jones moovie where he survived a nuke because he was in a firdge.

Anyway that happened and sinse all the world leaders were dead I became the president of the world! And I went on tour with what remained on 1D!

Ok guys that conclods my story I hoped you enjoid it I put so much time into it with blood sweat and tears and if 1D actually red this then omg thanks for reading! Also if 5SOS read this, FUCK YOU.

R.I.P. Zayn and Nail.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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1D and Me Part 5 - The Treachery Where stories live. Discover now