[Dai 2-shō]

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So..in this chapter (pease do not skip this) it will show what happend to kuroko when he find out his pregnancy,dont worry tho it will have flash back's of what happend to him when momoi-san pick him from the hotel they had promise to meet so~
  („• - •„)
┃Bye      ┃


It was 3:13 in the morning when kuroko suddenly woke up and dash to the bathroom, when he went in he immediately went to the toilet and puke his stomach out until his dinner just an hour ago went down the toilel

After he finish he then went to the kitchen and drank some water ' what's happening to me?? This has been happening for three weeks now' he thought as he went back to bed so he could go to the hospital tomorrow

While on the other side...

"What do you mean... You still can't find him?..."Akashi said in a cold tone while glaring at his assistant coldly" I..s-sir.. w--we are still t-trying b-but we still can't f... find the boy" a girl with black hair and havel eyes stutter because of the pressure his boss was relising

"Well try harder" akashi order "and don't come back saying you still can't find him, I'll kill you myself if I hear that from that mouth of yours" Akashi added as he relis more force that made the assistant bowed and start gasping for air "Get.Out" Akashi said and the assistant right away go out and yell at the people to keep working harder

"let's see how long you can hide from me Tetsuya" he said and he look at the photo in his left arm holding a picture of the tealnatte while he rest his face in his right arm with a smirk on his lip


[Hello?? TETSU-KUN!!]

[momoi-san please keep your voice down, I just woke up]

[oh sorry teehee]

[Why did you call anyway momoi-san *yawn*]

[Oh! right, tetsu-kun remember my cousin that I always tell you about??]

[You mean complain about? Yes, yes I do remember, why?]

[Well~he was almost killed because his 'boss' ordered him to find 'someone' but still can't find this 'someone', can you belive it??, and it was said in the news that the 'CEO emepror' was looking for his 'wife' because his 'wife' run away!!]

[Eh??why would his 'wife' run away??]

[I don't know, it was just said in the news it didn't said the reason why*shrugs*]

[Let's hope that he finds his 'wife'... I don't even know this 'CEO emperor' your talking about]

[What?!... wait tetsu-kun I'll call you back my 'cousin' *rolls eye's* is calling for me]

[Mn, okay bye-bye momoi-san]



"*sigh* she's so energetic" he said to himself as he cross the road felling a bit dizzy while walking

{P.S:kuroko's grandparents house was far away from the hospital in their country, because his grandmother didn't like having neighbours}

As he cross the road he felt the dizzyness getting stronger as he held his head and sat at a bench when he saw it while walking still holding his head

'what' s happend to me??' he thought and hold his temple massaging it, and he continued to way through the hospital

As he make it through the hospital he immediately said his symptoms to the doctor, when the doctor left him alone for some minutes he suddenly felt like puking so he rush out of the room and went to the toilet to puke his breakfast out

He went out side and saw the water in the bed side table, took it and drank the water, he went to sit in the bed again and the doctor finally went back in the room

"Congratulations sir, you are one of the 5% male that can give birth, congratulations sir" the doctor said with a smile, while the tealnatte was frozen in shock in his spot

"sir???" the doctor called out "a... Ah, y... yes?" he ask back "are you okay... Sir??" the doctor ask with worry in her voice "a.. Ah, yes please don't worry...g..goodbye doctor ill be on my way" he said as he went out of the room and direcly went out of the hospital to go home


"Hah~tutsu-kun is too nice sometimes that people take advantage of him~!!" momoi complained as she went to her cousin who was calling her

"What do you want dai-chan!" she ask as she look at the tan man with a grumpy look because of his prank to her last time

"are you still angry about the prank? Tch, anyway akashi said that he wants you to find someone since the others can't find 'him'" He said as he look at his cousin

"Eh~~? But I'm on my break!!" she complain as she stared at him "I know that!! But we really can't find the guy akashi is looking for!! That's why 'WE' are asking for help!!" he said as he look at her with an exhausted face

"Hmp!! Fine what's this person's name??" she ask as she took a note pad out of her small purse and pen as she look at him

"Kuroko Tetsuya" He said as he close his eyes and lean on the coush when he heard a pen drop

"K......kuroko tetsuya..?" She repeated when she drop her pen with a shock and disbelief face looking at her cousin

"yeah? Why? ya' know him?" he ask as he look at her with a questioning face as she return to her compose and avoided his gaze

" N.. No!! I'm just shock to know someone manage to get akashi-kuns attention!!, a... anyway bye!!!" she said as she left leaving her cousin and the pen she drop

While aomine was looking at her suspiciously when she left and pick up the pen she drop

"What are you hiding satsuki..."



ANYWAY PLEASE VOTE (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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