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(When Chris gets to Headquarters to meet up with Sheva)

Sheva: Chris you made it!

Chris: Yeah

Sheva: you ready to head inside?

Chris: mhm

Sheva: Okay let's go

Security: Names?

Chris: Chris Redfield and-

Sheva: Sheva Alomar

Security: Okay, you two may enter

Chris & Sheva: Thanks

(After getting up to the 20th floor to let everyone know about Jill)

Chris: Boss!

Boss: Chris, what's going on? and where's Jill?

Chris: ....

Sheva: ....

Boss: Chris & Sheva? What happened?!

Sheva: I had called Chris & Jill to let them know that I got the Results back from HQ, and I noticed something was off with Chris so I asked him where Jill was, and...He said Jill's gone...

Boss: What do you mean Jill's gone?!

Chris: We were fighting Wesker, then Wesker was about to kill me...next thing I knew Jill came running towards us and wrapped her arms around him and she jumped out the window behind me

Sheva: It's hard to hear that but she saved you Chris just be Greatfull-

Chris: Be Greatfull?! Yeah, I'm Greatfull but I let her fall! I could have stopped her! But I didn't so I blame myself....

Sheva: Chris I'm-

Chris: It's whatever....can we just get this "meeting" done and over with?

Boss: Sure, let's go

(after the meeting)

Chris: ....

Sheva: ....

Boss: Alright everyone, it's time you all went home and got some rest, We have a busy day tomorrow.

Chris: well I guess Ima get going

Sheva: yea same, see you tomorrow Chris

Chris: yeah see you tomorrow Sheva

(while Chris is driving home he gets a call from his Sister Claire)

Chris: hey Claire what's up?

Claire: Hey Chris I heard about Jill, how are you holding up?

Chris: I'm okay I guess....

Claire: are you sure?

Chris: I don't know....it hurts seeing her go through that window you know

Claire: yea I know....but it's all going to be okay I promise

Chris: I hope so

Claire: just come stay with me for a few days, get your mind off things

Chris: *sighs* alright I'll be there soon

Claire: Okay I'll see you soon then

Chris: yeah

Claire: Bye

Chris: Bye

(after they hang up, Chris puts on some music to try and ease his mind, and after a while, he reaches Claire's house. he parks in the driveway and gets out to head inside after texting Claire that he's there)

Claire: Chris!

Chris: Hey

Claire: Come inside its getting cold out here

Chris: Okay

(After they eat, they head to bed)

Claire: Chris there's a guest room you can use

Chris: Okay, Thanks Claire

Claire: yea, night Chris

Chris: night

(In the morning)

Claire: Chris get up you're going to be late for work!

Chris: I'm up, I've been up for an hour

Claire: Oh

Chris: Yeah

Claire: well come eat, I've got to head out in a few minutes, I have to meet up with the detective-

Chris: Okay-

Claire: What's up?

Chris: It's just Sheva, She needs me to pick her up from HQ

Claire: Oh Okay

Chris: Yeah, anyways I'm going to go, I'll see you later

Claire: Okay, see you later

(Chris leaves the house to head off to HQ on the way he puts the windows down to let cool air in)


This is where part 3 will end but it will continue in part 4

Keep an eye out for part 4!  :)

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