Episode 5

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Bitgaram: ?? I think you got the wrong number.
???: No, I didn't. You're Bitgaram, right?

- I tried remembering who it was but I couldn't remember.

???: Hello? I guess you don't remember me. Umm, the one that kicked you out of the van.
Bitgaram: Ohhh!! It was you?! I forgot you saved your contact on my phone.
???: Mhmm, anyways what are you doing?
Bitgaram: Nothing much, just waiting until the day comes because I want to get over it. I don't want to stay here anymore! Especially, trying to get over that Jisu said the baby is mine.
- Oh shoot!! Why did I say that to her?!!

Bitgaram: I.. I mean..
???: Oh my gosh! You guys are getting married? And she's pregnant? When's the marriage?
Bitgaram: Why.. why do you want to know?
???: I want to give her gift since I used to be her friend.
Bitgaram: Uhh, I don't really trust you. I don't even know your identity.
???: Fine, my name is Min. You happy?
Bitgaram: That could be a fake name.
Min: It's not, it's my real name. Want to know how I look like?
Bitgaram: Sure, why not.
Min: Come over.
Bitgaram: Come over? To your place?
Min: Where else? I already picked out an outfit for you.
Bitgaram: Outfit? For what?
Min: You will see, I will give you the address.
Bitgaram: Ohhh..kayyy
- This Min girl gave me her address, she didn't live far from here. I got to the front door and knocked on it.

Bitgaram: Min?
Min: That's me, come in.
Bitgaram: Where's your family?
Min: Away, on a vacation.
Bitgaram: Wow, without you? Oh and I have a question for you.
Min: Yes?
Bitgaram: Why the hell did you kick me out of the car like that? Do you know that shit hurts?
Min: Sorry, I was in a rush that day.
Bitgaram: Are you like a gangster or something?
Min: No, if I was then you would've been dead by now.
Bitgaram: Now, am scared.
Bitgaram and Min: Hahaha!
Bitgaram: Another question.
Min: What now?
Bitgaram: Why are you dressed like that? Are you, trying to get me?
Min: Perhaps, I don't know. Well, is it working?
Bitgaram: I'm new so... yes it's working.
- I grabbed her and carried her in a bridal style.

Bitgaram: Which room?
Min: Haha, the second room upstairs.

- I took her to the room.

Bitgaram: You have a condom I can use?
Min: Does it look like I do? I only have girl condoms and obviously it's not going to work on you.
Bitgaram: It can work on you, since it's for girls.
Min: I don't like the feel of it, I rather like it.... raaawww
Bitgaram: I gotchu!

*February 24th*

Uncle Doon: Okay, come kids. We have to sign the paper works and send it back.

- I sat down next to my dad on the couch, Jihu sat down next to her dad. We signed the paper without talking to each other because we were over it. We really hate each other that we didn't talk to each other or even stare at each other.

Mom: Okay, the parents will send these paper work back to the office. We will be back and in the mean time, please start on the bbq party.
Irene: We got it, don't worry about it.

*The mom opened the door and saw a present for Jihu.*

Mom: Jihu, there's a present for you. *Picks up present and gives to Jihu*

Jeong: Who is it? Oh my gosh, it's Doyun! Is he back?
Jihu: I don't know, I should call him.
Jeong: Wait, what if he's busy? That's why he didn't come in but dropped it off in the front?
Jihu: Oh yea, that's true.
Bitgaram: Who is it? Your boyfriend?
- She stared at me and ignored me.

Jeong: You don't need to know.
Bitgaram: Whatever, you guys can go now.
Uncle Doon: Okay, we will be back.

- After they left, I watched Jihu open the present. She looked happy while she was opening it. There was a note in the present, she started reading it. Everybody was outside except for me, Jeong, and Jihu.

Ryujin: Jeong! Irene needs you!
Jeong: Okay! I wanted to see the present too.
Jihu: You can see it later.
Jeong: *Smiles* Fine.

- After reading the note, she opened the present and took out a drink with a teddy bear. I looked at the drink, the drink looked weird. It didn't look like the actual drink, it was fizzling.

Bitgaram: Uhh, I don't think you should drink that.
Jihu: Why? I can drink it if I want to.
Bitgaram: That drink doesn't look right.
Jihu: What are you talking about? You're being weird.
Bitgaram: Okay, whatever. I'm joining them outside.
Jihu: I will come when am done looking at my present. *Drinks the juice*

Bitgaram: Okay.
- Before I could enter the kitchen leading to the backyard, I heard Jihu groaning. I turned around and saw her on the couch. I ran to her.

Bitgaram: What happened?! Are you okay?
- I placed my hand on her face.

Bitgaram: What's wrong?! Tell me!!
Jihu: M..m.my stomach hu..hurts!! *Groans more*
Bitgaram: O..okay, I will go get them.
- She grabbed my hand.

Jihu: I can't take it, it hurts too much!! Ahhh!!!!!
Bitgaram: Okay, I will take you to the Hospital. Hang in there
- As I was picking her up in a bridal style, I saw blood coming down her leg. I quickly took her to the Hospital.

*Irene's POV*

- I needed help with rinsing the vegetables, Ryujin and Jinyoung couldn't do it because they wanted to cook their own dish. I asked Ryujin to get Jeong for me. When Jeong got out here, I told her what to do with the vegetables.

Irene: Yahh, what are they doing inside? Are they trying to get along with each other?
Jeong: Definitely not.
Jinyoung: Then, what are they doing?
Irene: I will go check on them.
- When I went inside the house, they weren't there but I saw blood on the couch. I started to get worry. I grabbed my phone and called Bitgaram.

*On phone with Bitgaram*

Irene: Yahh! What happened? Where are you and Jihu?
Bitgaram: Come to the Hospital!
Jihu: Ahhh!! It hurts!!! *Grabs Bitgarams shirt and squeezes it*
Irene: We will be on the way, you better tell us what happened when we get there.
Bitgaram: I will, bye. *Hangs up the call*

- I heard Jihu groaning, something must have happened to her. I ran to the others and told them. We quickly took out the fire and stopped our cooking. We left to the hospital.

*Bitgarams POV*

Bitgaram: You're going to be okay, we're almost there. *Holds Jihu's hand*
- We got to the Hospital, I picked Jihu up and laid her down on the bed. I started running with the Doctors, taking Jihu to an ER room.

Doctor: You can't come in, please wait out here.

- Obviously, I can't go in the room. I'm going to call my dad.

*On phone with dad*

Bitgaram: Dad!
Dad: Why are you yelling?
Bitgaram: Something happened to Jihu, come to the Hospital!
Dad: What?! O...okay!

*Phone call ends*

Bitgaram: What really happened? Did she drink that juice?
- 34 minutes passed and Irene they got here.

Irene: What happened?
Bitgaram: I don't know, I was going to go outside and join you guys but all of sudden I heard Jihu groaning. I think it was because of that drink that was in the present.
Jeong: What? Nothing is wrong with that drink.
Bitgaram: Nothing is wrong? You clearly weren't there to see how the drink looked like. It was juice and it was fizzling.
Jeong: I'm pretty sure juice can frizzle too.
Bitgaram: Well, that's the only thing that will make her stomach hurts.
Jinyoung: We will have to just wait for the Doctor to tell us.

- Both of the parents got here and we told them what happened. Auntie fainted so she's in a room. We waited for an hour and a half until the Doctor came out.

Uncle Doon: What happened to my daughter, Doctor?
Doctor: I'm sorry for your loss, the baby didn't make it, the mother is okay.
Dad: Do you know what happened?
Doctor: Did she drink or take anything that made her stomach felt upset?
Bitgaram: Yes, she drinked this juice that was weird, it was frizzling.
Doctor: Then, that might have been the cause of this loss. Parden me.

- The Doctor left, Uncle Doon and everyone else followed him to the room. Jihu was faced the other way.

Uncle Doon: Oh, honey.. *Cries*

- I heard Jihu crying.

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