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How the heck do i begin this.

I guess i could give info how this all started
I met him for the first time in 3rd Grade
He just moved here from another state that year prior. He was very nice to me and we were kinda friends. We always talked in class which got us introuble and once when it was thundering(back than i was scared of thunderstorms) he kept making fun of me but than he was "it'll be ok". He was comforting me. I also remember that our 3rd grade teacher loved to say "Take a chill pill!" every single time we were crazy, So once at the end of the day he was all talkative and our teacher goes, "Ethan chill!" Well i was still packing up my stuff so when that happend i said "Yeah take a chill pill." I thought they didnt hear me but oh boy i was wrong. Ethan just laughed it of tho. We also both liked to be line leaders. It was awsome, I remember once on our way to Music class for the first time our teacher asked us where the Music room was because it was also her first year teaching there. Well Ethan and I were both the ones in the front of the line cLuElEsS. IT WAS ADORABLE.

I started officially liking him in the beginning of 7th grade. He started to build the reputation of asking girls out as a joke. I knew that of course but, i got lost in my thoughts that day. It was litrally only the second day of school. It was 5th period, just before lunch. We were in German class and we sat by eachother. We got assigned this project thing or something but he randomly just goes "Do you want to be my gf"
keep in mind, he did the same thing last year except he was trying to make his crush jealous and i didnt fall for his cHaRm so i was saved. Even when he yelled as loud as he could in the cafeteria. (Lets get this story first than the german class one)

Anyways we were in religion class and i remember our desks were unbelivebly close. But out of random ,he goes, "want to be me gf?" i say no. he asks again and i still said no. (as i should) he of course didnt listen <3 because later that day for lunch, i was the last one to get out of the lunch line. Well at my friends regular table their werent any seats. The reason was because all of his friends decided to sit there. So when i was looking for a seat he spots me and goes, "HEY KATHERINE! COME SIT BY ME I SAVED YOU A SPOT" He actually saved me a seat. i *rejected him* and sat by myself.

Now back to the German class story, well i said yes. (oh how stupid me). I mean he seemed so serious so i beleived him. Well i only dated him for about 3o min so watev. I like him that year around September. I stoped liking him around November and moved on from him to another boy and came back to ethan in March. Thats is when he found out!

The word got out. The grade knew i was hiding something and they were determined to find out what. It took 2. 2 days just for him to find out, i liked him.
On the second day, he found out during lunch. I didnt care anymore. Everybody knew so he was gonna find out sooner or later. Well someone kept going- im gonna tell himmm nah just kiddin- noo imm gonna tell himm

that kid was just going back and forth. until i just told him confidentally, "Tell him" the kid was surprised but he told him. Ethan was in denial (haha) but than accepted the fact. We became close and snapped everyday. From him telling me how his weekend went to me telling him about my crap. I got too comfortable with him. Its embaressing. We dont talk anymore. We just ignore eachothers presence. But it still doesnt mean i like him.
He is just that boy <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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