Alex's Choice

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The garden seemed to stretch on for miles. Endless roses in full bloom, their petals soft as day and as colorful as the night sky. Rows and rows of apple and citrus trees stood side by side, all offering the sweetest of fruits. Green grass was soft beneath Alex's feet. A calming wind blew through her hair. Of course she knew where she was. She had read about it before. It had been drilled into her head as a child. Even as an adult she was constantly reminded of the place.

"Edin," came her soft whisper. Never before did she think that she would actually be here. Here, in this perfect world. Here, where-in lies her own personal hell.

Her feet carried her forward and her fingertips fluttered over the soft petals of the flowers. All were in perfect condition. Not a single flower was wilted, not a petal missing. This was a holy place where all was well. To her though, it was hell. The book that she had read it in had also drilled into her head that she was a horrible person. And maybe she was. She had taken the lives of many people in her time, but that was all overlooked in the eyes of God's children. No, what really made her a monster was that she had the ability to love more than one gender. Her heart beat for multiple men and women. That truly was what made her a monster. For, in his words, it was wrong for her to love the same gender.

The smell of lilies pulled her out of her trance and she smiled. Despite her intimidating outward appearance, she loved the small things in life. Flowers above all else. Her mind wandered to if she could stay here. Here, where the ponds where clear. Here, where all was right. Soon, day turned to night and the most beautiful and brightest stars Alex had ever seen crossed the dazzling sky. Hues of blue and purple danced with each other in harmony. Deciding that she needed to rest, she sat down near a field of poppies. Their perfect petals were inviting, and even in the dark seemed to be just as bright. Her eyes wandered aimlessly over the field until something caught her eye. She crossed the field until the found it. In the midst of the picture-perfect flowers was one tiny pink poppy that was wilting. Small pieces were missing from it and it drooped slightly to the side. Her hand came out and softy brushed against it. One petal floated to the ground. Her mind raced at the idea of a flower wilting in this place where all was perfect. Something in the very back of her mind made her smile. She reached down and plucked up the flower. Upon closer inspection, an army of aphids were tearing apart the flower.

"How are you here?" She asked the flower. Amongst all the impeccable plants was this one damaged flower. Still, though, the flower was beautiful, even with its many blemishes. For a split moment, she was back with the others. They were laughing, and had no cares in the world. As Alex looked at them, she noticed that none of them were perfect people. They all had their blemishes. Yet, here they were. With her, not caring about her past or the thing she had done. They loved her no less. She was pulled back into the garden and a man in a white cloak stood before her. His hand was outstretched and beckoning her forwards. Her mind raced with images of her family, but were overturned by images of what could be if she went with him. Clutching with her flower, she stood her ground.

"Come, my child," he called.

Her eyes flittered back down to her family. This place, this perfect place, was not where she belonged. Looking down at the flower, she knew what she had to do. "I'm not staying here. Not if it means I can't be who I am. You and your arrogant and egotistical children are the reason that I am who I am. I belong down there. Where I can be who I am and do what I want."

Memories of home filled her mind. She wanted to be down there. There, where the people where happy. There, where she could love who she loved. There, where life wasn't perfect. There, where adventure sat behind every corner. There, where she belonged. Giving one last look at the garden, she nodded her head, and jumped. Jumped back to where she belonged. Where the flowers wilted, people died, and life was unfair, but exciting. Where adventure called out to her, and where she could be herself.

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