ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡: 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙

630 17 1

↝Time skip

Dabi's P.O.V

The LOV has been quite, maybe too quiet lately
Now that Y/n has been missing for a month or something I'm not surprised

The others gave up on looking for him, except for me and Toga. That wacko really wants Y/n's dick, doesn't she
Not saying that I want his dick too! I never said that


Me and Toga have returned to the very scene. I know it's pathetic to go to the same spot you've looked days after days but where else would we find the slightest evidence

She's right now just jumping around, checking every crevice and corner while I'm looking around the buildings
"I still don't get it" I mutter to myself, lifting up small rocks and looking under them like a fucking dumbass
"This cunt is finna trying to drive me insane"

"Maybe it's you trying to drive yourself insane" Toga remarked "you don't have to look for him you know~ yet here you are"
I growled at her "shut up, I'm here just so I can get the satisfaction of killing him afterwards"

She hummed "sure sure~"
This girl... She must be getting lightheaded from the time we've spent here today or something

"Anyway, this building looks clear. We need to move onto the next one" I stood up straight and went to the staircase leading down. We're currently in the tenth floor- the last floor
We are now botta move onto the building we saw the ice in earlier. But it's prolly melted by now

I walked down the stairs, almost falling but that doesn't matter, while Toga was swiftly in my steps
She kept talking about something's I didn't pay attention to. But she seemed passionate since I could hear her drool

When we finally reached the bottom and exited the building, strange muffled noises were almost unheard
"Shut the fuck up" I turned to the wacko and she slapped her hands over her mouth. I listened in, hearing the noises better now
They were familiar...

Suddenly, they went completely quiet out of nowhere
I decided to follow the noise, as if I never watched a 'based on a true story' horror movie

The sound was in the space between two buildings; the one we just explored and the one we were about to go into
An alley led to a wall, ways parting right and left

When we got to the wall at the very end, I set the instructions "I go right, because I'm always right, and you go left, because you deserve to be left alone to die or some shit"

Her cheeks puffed and she crossed her hands "not fair! I'm not a kid, I'm not gonna listen to you!"
After she said that, she ran the right way. Fucking bitch, you're just making this harder than Y/n does!

I sigh and turn on my heel to go to the left

As I walked, the silence was... Too silent

There were pipes going along the walls leading straight. The way led to the left again, making me turn the corner only to run into some kind of door?
Stairs led down to it and the door were metal. A little beat up but who cares

I made my way to the door and tried to open it. No luck

I sighed backing up from it to look it up and down
I have no idea why there is such feeling inside the pit of my stomach that desperatly wants me to go inside. I do intend on getting in, but I just don't understand why
It's just a door, leading into the control room or the basement of some sort

I put my leg up, kicking a spot next to the lock with all the force I had. I didn't even budge
I tried again, seeing the door give in a little
And as they say, third time's the charm- the door were forced open

"Damn, good job me. Thanks me" I praised and thanked myself. Man I'm such a legend

I got into the now open room
It wasn't special. It was a dark, spacious room with a thing laying here and there for no specific reason
Though, what cought my attention was another door on the right side of the room
This time, it's wooden and looks old

I do a little dance in my mind, finally getting a chance to burn some shit down

I gave the door a little pat as a sign of sympathy "sorry bub, but your time is up today. Reject being door, embrace being ash"
Flames bursted out of my palm in oh such nice way and the flames hugged the old wood- it turned to ashes in almost no time

I clapped my hands together, as if dusting them off, giving myself an imaginary pat on the back

But I don't think I wanted to see what's on the other side

More doors
"Ah for fuck's sake!" I cursed, being inches away from leaving this place and all the doors. But one thing made me stay

The said metal objet was slightly open and light softly shone from the crack. The sounds of a fireplace were heard together with what I assumed was breathing
I made my way to the door peaking my head inside

My breath got cought inside my lungs
So he didn't run away...

Y/n sat there tied to a chair with countless scars, burn marks, bruises and other variety of wounds
Now I was kinda glad Toga took the right path..

I ran up to the limp boy, crouching in front of him, trying to find out if he's alive or not. Luckily, he was still breathing... Well, wheezing a little in between breaths
He seemed to have passed out or something. There are some fresh wounds along his bare chest that probably led to his exhaustion

I gently grabbed his shoulder and tried to shake him awake
No response, only a discomforted hum

"Shit, I have to bring you to the base don't I.." I stood up and burned the ropes off of his body. His quirk seemed to be neutralized, I could tell by a small bullet with a tranquilizer-like tip on the floor that you inject into someone in order to numb their quirk
No idea if it's temporary or periodical

I lifted him up, feeling that he's kinda light
The amount of frustration and sorow I feel inside right now is like something I've never felt before
I sigh "fuck you Y/n..."

ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖【Dabi x Male!Reader】Where stories live. Discover now