Day One

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'Together,' the last text said from Max. The blue-haired girl sighed and looked up at the unusual eclipsed sun. She couldn't believe how crazy her life was now. First, getting drugged up by that creepy rich boy named Nathan Prescott. Second, her closest friend disappearing without her. And lastly, being reunited with Max who has powers to reverse time. Scratch crazy... It was insane.

'Where do you want to meet?' Chloe replied. She inhaled her last cigarette and blew out. Her phone vibrated and she tossed her cigarette away. She read the text and it said 'At my dorm. Duh. XP'. The rebel smiled and replied. 'Sweet! I'll be there in 30 mins. Better not fall asleep on me twerp. Oh and NO EMOJIS!!' Chloe sent the message and got up from the bench. She went inside her junky truck and drove away to see her long last comrade.

While driving to Blackwell, Chloe couldn't stop thinking about Max and her weird super powers. 'I wonder if she's okay. What if she get another headache? What if that creep got ahold of Max and beats her up to death? What if she's laying on the ground helpless and calling out for someone... calling out for me?' all these questions kept wandering around Chloe's mind. She bit onto her lower lip and drove a bit faster. When Chloe arrived, she parked in the Blackwell Academy parking lot. She looked at the rearview mirror and tried to fix herself up. 'Ugh, I look terrible...Wait when did I care about how I look in front of people?' the punk star thought. But this isn't an ordinary person, this is Max. Chloe started remembering the good times with that little ninja. Before Rachel, Max was her closest friend in the whole world. She was her whole world. When they were younger, Chloe would do anything for her. She still would, but now. That girl saved Chloe's life 2 times. Heck, she even stood up for Chloe against her step douche-dad. The rebel practically loved Max ever since they were tweens. 'Wait, I don't have a crush on her... Do I?!' she shook her head and got out the car. 'No way... No freaking way,' she exclaimed in her head.

Chloe started walking towards the girl's dormitories and saw all her missing posters everywhere. Some were being looked at and others were being drawn on which pissed Chloe off, but decided not to dwell on it. Since, she has to focus on Max and her powers. When she entered the dormitories, it was empty and quiet. The blue-haired girl looked up at the clock on the ceiling above a window. It was 7:00 pm. 'I guess most of the girls went to hang at a party or something,' Chloe thought. Chloe looked at the slates to find her friend's room. The rebel found a slate that had a bald dude with his hands out and above the head it said "Max". 'Typical Caulfield.' She laughed a little and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" a familiar lousy voice said from inside the room. Chloe opened the door and was welcomed by indie music and a super messy room. "Dang and I thought my room looked like crap." The blue-haired girl said smartly. Max just rolled her eyes and got out of her futon to hug her punk companion. Chloe gladly hugs back, it lasted longer, but the photographer didn't mind. A teenage boy coughed awkwardly and the two girls stared at him.

'Who the heck is this guy?'

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