Day 1 ((part 3))

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Chloe's POV

"Who is it, Max Caulfield?" I asked again. Max was on the wall now with my arms pinning her. The photographer wouldn't talk, but she was blushing red. Dammit why is she so adorable?
"I... I can't tell you! I'm sorry," she finally says, but I wouldn't give in. There's something she's not telling me.
"Why not?" I asked persistently. She looked down and looked like she was about to cry. "I- I can't. I just can't," she said sadly. I couldn't stand looking at her like this, but I have to know. "Is it Warren?" I asked. Max looked to the side now, avoiding me. She didn't say anything, so I started getting worried.
Then, Max looked up at me and then looked away frowning. "N-no it isn't," I frowned this time knowing that she's lying. "You're lying Caulfield," I said gritting my teeth. She looked down again. "No it isn't." She said still looking at the floor. "Stop fucking lying to me Max! I thought we were best friends huh?! I thought we wouldn't keep secrets from each other anymore! I thought you fuck--" then boom.
"Who is it, Caul-" I cut myself off when I saw Max having a nosebleed and looking dizzy. "D-did you rewind?" I asked shocked that she even did. I guess I did something stupid to make her do that. She looked devastated and sad at the same time. All of a sudden, she ran for the door and exited out of the room. I just stood there, blank out of my mind. What the hell did I just do? I ran out the door trying to chase her. "Max!" I yelled out to her. I was right behind her, about to grab her hand. Boom.
I was in Max's room, but she wasn't in here. Crap, she rewinded time again! I looked out the window and didn't see her anywhere near the girl's dormitory. I ran out the door and exited the place. I looked outside in the front, but she wasn't there. I checked the school and asked the students if they have saw her. Most of them didn't know and a couple of people just made a snide comment about it and had a knuckle sandwich as a reward.
Max was gone. No where in sight. It's happening again. Not again. Rachel and now Max. No hell no!
I yelled out. But then, someone poked me in the back causing me to an immediate stop of my hella crazy outbursts which was intended . Oh great, the Christian girl. "What the hell do you want? What? Did Jesus send you to aid me?" I said grumpily. When I gave a closer look at her, she looked like she's been crying for a week or something. "I'm sorry. I had a fight with-" "max?" She finished my sentence. I was surprised and nodded my head. "Max went with Warren to that drive in they planned on doing," she said in a croaking voice. I wonder what's up with her. I thanked her and went straight to my crummy ass truck.
It took me about 20 minutes to get to that drive in movie shit that what's her name said. ️ I didn't know which car that geek had. So, I looked through each vehicle until I recognized my little small photographer.
It took me about 7 cars until I spotted her, since they weren't much people seeing this god awful movie. I looked more closely to the window, but made sure they didn't see me. Max was leaning against Warren's shoulder while he placed his head on hers. Enjoying themselves on this 'date'. Ugh, this is hella gross. I stood up and marched right up to his car. Warren was the first to spot me and gave a confused expression.
I went to Max's passenger side. And grabbed her hand. She tried to fight against me, but I was stronger. "I swear to god if you don't come with me now or if you rewind time, you will never see me again nor we will ever be friends." I threatened her. Max looked confused trying to pick. After choosing, she smiled to Warren and was apologizing to him cause she has to leave early. I didn't give him a any time to respond back, cause I slammed the door right on his face.
I pushed Max in the passenger seat and slammed the door. I went inside my truck and started driving since I left the truck on. I looked at her and she looked guilty. I mean why wouldn't she? She practically ditched me for some geek. I looked straight at the road and didn't give one glance at her. The atmosphere was hella awkward. From my peripheral vision, she was leaning against the window staring outside and was rubbing her arm for somewhat comfort. I rolled my eyes. "So what? You gonna rewind time to where this never happened? To where we didn't even meet each other?" I said smartly. She shook her head, but didn't say anything. I scoffed and kept looking at the road. "Where are we going?" She barely asked. But I caught it. "To the lighthouse. It calms me down." I said. She nodded and kept looking outside.

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