I'm Dying.

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My hearts beating like a drum, sweat droplets falling from my forehead. I have no air to breath, i feel like I'm going to die.

I need to breath desperately. Grasping my chest as it burns. Knuckles turning white. One hand rests upon my knee as I bend over searching for air.

"Here, have some water you're making a big deal out of this we haven't even started yet." Says Jake Walters my older brother also known as the school's coolest kid. To me on the other hand, he's just a selfish prick  who gets whatever he wants.

"Yeah...I'm not the.. athletic type okay." I say whilst Grabbing the bottle of water and gulped it's contents down immediately.

"Your not supposed to drink it all, just a few sips Cole." He smirks at me and chuckles at the face I pull.

"Who gives a shit anyway...I'm going back home." I say turning as I walk away.

"Dad does, and he wants you to make the team...so keep up kid I'm not stopping again."

I stop myself from taking another step further, my father knows I'm more of the stay inside,read a book type of guy.

My body is all scrawny and shit, unlike Jake whose got muscles the type they describe in books, the ones you see on famous half naked guys. Yeah the ones you drool about.

I sound so fucking gay.

I'm just a normal kid, who wants to live a normal boring life which in my opinion is actually really fun.

But no I'm being forced to do shit I dont like, thanks to Jake who wants me to have more friends so I don't have to be the weird kid that sits and eats alone at school.

I do have friends though. I won't exactly say friends, friends but a friend.

His names Gooba, and his my pet dog.

A man's bestfriend right?

"Fine." I groan turning back around and start running past Jake as fast as I can.
Obviously it's not that fast because Jake was still jogging behind me.

We ran for a few days.

Just kidding, we ran like a block and my heart gave out. Jake got tired of my complaining and we just left it at that and made our way home.

Upon our arrival, we see a car parked in the driveway which is not our father's and make our way inside.

"You can check whoever it is, I need a shower." I say bolting up the stairs to my room before Jake could say anything. 

Entering my room I feel a pang of relief all over my body. Gooba was layed down on my bed, his so cute with his fluffy white fur. (*The author doesn't know her dog's so... she dont know what kind of dog it is.)

His probably sleeping. I grab myself a clean set of clothes and make my way to my bathroom.

After a few minutes of just standing under the water I decided to get done.

Peeking down my window to see if the car left in the driveway and it hasn't.
As you can see I'm very introverted.

I've grown my jet black hair long to cover my face for a reason. Nobody is going to stare at my face and say 'My, what big blue eyes you've got, such long eyelashes.' No none of that shit, I've heard it enough.

I look myself in the mirror before leaving my room, so I know I don't look too weird for myself.

Dressed in black sweat pants and a  black t-shirt.

Jesus I look like some emo depressed kid. I love the vibes I'm giving off, can you feel it?

So sad and dead, I like it.

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