Hello journal or shall I say the only thing keeping my sanity here. Life here has gotten harder I mostly just sit in my room now and talk to Bo the only things I go out to do is eat, take my medicine, and go to the restroom. Hell I would eat in my room but they wouldn't let me, thought I might "hurt myself" whatever. they don't understand that it wasn't MY fault. I didn't mean to cut my arm all the way open. it was Bo. Speaking of Bo. She won't tell me anything else about herself when I try to talk to her she just repeats the same things that she's been saying from the start. How she's 30 and her appearance, nothing about her family or where she lived or anything! it was so irritating but I knew it wasn't her fault, she couldn't remember. I guess the only reason I really talk to her is to see if I could I don't know "crack her" I guess. I just wish that she could remember do that I could find out what happened to her.. why she's like that. I don't know maybe someday she'll crack. I'll just have to keep trying.