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Izuku POV

After going through Zoro-sensei's test yesterday, Nami-san and Chopper-san severely scolded him. They also went as far as banning him from training me until I fully recover. I'm disappointed, but I feel that if I argue with Nami-san, I'll end up even worse than I already am. However I couldn't just sit back and wait for my injuries to heal up. So I decided to give training with Luffy-senpai another try. And much like last time, it's not going so well.

Third person POV

It is early in the morning on the waters of the New World. Most of the Straw Hats are asleep, aside from a certain two. On the grass covered deck, a series of green and red blurs are constantly disappearing and appearing all over. Upon closer inspection, the green blur is a bandaged up Izuku using Full Cowling and the red blur is none other than Luffy. Izuku is throwing punches and kicks at high-speeds trying his best to hit Luffy, however Luffy is dodging each and every hit easily.

Izuku: 'It's only been 30 seconds yet I'm already almost out of steam. Even if I'm injured, I'm still pushing 15% of One for All, yet it's like he's already seen where my attacks are going. It's like fighting Sir Nighteye again. Observation haki sure is something else'

Luffy: C'mon Izuku, are you even trying?

Izuku: I'm pushing my limits here.

Luffy: That so? Well in that case-

Luffy suddenly disappears right as Izuku throws a punch. Surprised, Izuku stumbles forwards a bit. Luffy then appears next to Izuku, catching the greenet off-guard.

Luffy: You're just gonna have to push past them!

Luffy knees Izuku hard in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. He then punches Izuku hard in the face with a strong right hook and sends him rolling across the deck. Izuku's back hits the ship's railings and he starts coughing violently while clenching his gut.

Luffy: Had enough?

Izuku: 'Darn it'

Izuku pushes himself up onto his feet and faces Luffy. Izuku widens his legs and cocks back his right fist.

Izuku: 'If I could just...'

Izuku surges up to 20% of OFA for a moment and dashes at Luffy.

Izuku: 'Touch him!'

A large amount of black electricity suddenly surges from Izuku's right fist, shocking him.

Izuku: Black Whip?! Now?!

The black electricity shoots out and tries to attack Luffy. Luffy narrows his eyes and sidesteps out of the way. His arm then turns pitch black and he grabs the Black Whip.

Izuku: 'He grabbed it?!'

Luffy pulls the Black Whip towards him subsequently pulling Izuku off his feet towards him as well. Luffy then clocks Izuku hard in the face and knocks him flat on his back. The Black Whip then seemingly disappears as a result.

Izuku: Ow...

Luffy: What the heck was that, Izuku? It was really crazy.

Izuku sits up and wipes away the blood coming from his nose.

Izuku: It's called Black Whip. It's a power I awakened recently so I don't really have any control over it.

Izuku holds his hand in front of him and points his index finger upwards. A small black strand then emits from his finger and hovers slightly above it.

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