02 :: YOON MIN

77 8 4

published: 11/2/21
type: fluff

"did you put on bug spray yet?" yoonmin asked you, setting the basket of snacks on the patterned picnic blanket.

taking a seat on an empty spot next to him, you nodded your head. "i did before we left."

it was currently 11 pm and yoonmin and you planned for a last-minute date. a long week of work and practice, both of your schedules didn't meet until now.

and oftentimes at the times, you two do happen to have free time, you were too burnt out to do anything. the week went by slow and you were not exactly excited about it. luckily, the weekends rolled by soon enough.

you preferred staying indoors during the night. going outside especially this late was not your forte, but the chance to meet up with your boyfriend was too great.

the scented grass made your nose tickle. the sun was long gone with only the source of light being the lamp posts and twinkling dots around you.

the area was surprisingly silent. not like you expected anyone to be at the park this late at night. the only people around were a family of four, who was far away from where you were.

opening the lid of the basket, your eyes scanned the contents within. you made sure to bring a variety of snacks that differed from each other. from chocolate to rice crackers, the amount of junk food was perfect for a late-night picnic date.

in the end, you picked up a (favorite snack) to fill your stomach. beside you, yoonmin did the same as well. and so, the two of you began engaging in a lighthearted conversation.

sharing how your week went by, chatter filled the air like a melody being played. when one of you was talking, the other would listen attentively.

"keiju looked done after gyehun pulled that prank on him," yoonmin said, laughter erupting from his lips as he wiped his eyes.

"no way, seriously? gyehun's so evil for that," you chimed in, giggling a bit yourself.

as if an overflowing river, time passed by without a thought. the laughs and talks you shared with yoonmin kept you occupied. after a while, the chattering began to die down.

looking to your side, you noticed yoonmin starting to lay down. he gestured you to do the same which you did. the male pulled you closer to his chest, warmth spreading through your body.

sighing in contentment, you felt safe in his embrace. it wasn't much of an exaggeration, your boyfriend's arms were very secure. if heaven was a place on earth, you thought to yourself.

without you knowing, yoomin had a similar thought to himself. having you in his arms made his heart warm every time.

it was evident he was not much of a pda person. don't be mistaken, yoonmin loved showing others you were his, he was just incredibly shy about it. you were aware of it and didn't mind at all.

gazing into the night sky, you appreciated the shining gems above. it rendered you in a state of awe and amazement.

perhaps you had gotten drunk off the sight of the universe. the clingy feeling you had bottled up for so long was beginning to explode. it was probably due to the serene scene and comforting warmth of the brunette next to you, your eyes started to tear up.

"i-i missed you so much, min," you sniffled softly, burying your head into yoonmin's chest.

he looked down on you with a shocked face, obviously not expecting the sudden outburst. after the initial flustered reaction, yoonmin cups your face and made you look up at him.

"i missed you too, y/n," he tenderly whispered, gently wiping your streaming tears. afterwards, he gently planted a kiss on the top of your forehead.

giggling at his touch, you calmed down. putting your hands over yoonmin's larger ones, you affectionately smiled.

upon seeing your smile, yoonmin's eyes softened. written in the stars and your hearts, a love you both hoped would continue for a lifetime.

this request was super fun to make ^^ honestly i'm still warming up to yoonmin so i hope i got his character right. please tell me if i need to make any changes cause 😭😭

also finished writing this in the middle of the night. yeah i don't have an excuse why this turned kinda :// i'll prolly go back and edit it in the morning

next chapter will be a pnation boyo so look forward to that :]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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