Heading to bed

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Zoro walked out of the kitchen and looked at sanji. Sanji put out the cigarette and turned around to look at zoro.

"Hey moss head, you tired at all?" He said walking towards him

"Just a little, it got dark pretty quick it's not even that late." He said looking up at the sky

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing" sanji said, with a small laugh. Zoro smiled. He liked the small laughs sanji put at the end of his sentences.

"You thinking of heading to bed soon?" Sanji asked.

"Yeah probably, your sleeping with me though." He said without thinking before he talked

"What- why?" Sanji said, confused.

I did not mean to say that- zoro thought. He decided to go along with it. "Because I said so, and nobody's around so why not?"

Sanji blushed a little. "Fine, but we're not telling anybody right?"

"Of course not you really think I'd tell any of the crew? They'd laugh at me to not just you." Zoro said.

"I guess you have a point-" zoro grabbed Sanji's wrist avoiding his hand cause it was still burned, and walked over to the room.

"Would you stop cutting me off it's annoying." Sanji said.

"Nah" Zoro said laying down on the bed. Sanji lied down next to him and turned around to where his back was facing zoro.

"Are you avoiding me now?" Zoro said

"Maybe." Sanji replied

"Yeah, you don't get to to that." Zoro said grabbing Sanji's waist and flipping him over to face him. Then pulled Sanji close and looked at him in the eyes.
Sanji was blushing.

"That was random." Sanji said, avoiding eye contact.

"Uh-huh, don't ignore me and shit like that won't happen." Zoro replied, putting his hand on Sanji's head and starting to play with his hair.
Sanji had his hands pressed up against Zoro's chest, he could feel his light breathing while the swordsman slowly fell asleep. Sanji moved one of his arms to where it was wrapped around Zoro. He leaned is head up against his chest and fell asleep.
Zoro looked down at him.
Fuck he's adorable. I've never been this close to him before. It's driving me insane but I love it, I love him.

A couple hours later (12am)

Sanji opened his eyes, he was still half asleep so he thought he was in his bed. But he didn't remember going onto it. He sat up and felt something wrapped around his waist. It was still dark out so he couldn't see it. It scared him a bit, it took him a moment to memorize where he was and what happened before then. He felt around the bed with his hand in search for Zoro's hand. Once he found it he snuck his fingers into his hand. He sat there staring into nothing, holding his hand in silence. His hand was warm

"Watcha doin cook?" Zoro said out of no where, Sanji had no idea Zoro was even awake so it startled him.

"I woke up, and I zoned out." He said in a tired voice.

"It's 12am you need to go to sleep"

"How come you're awake?" Sanji said not trying to annoy him

"I get enough sleep already, plus I usually sleep during the day." Zoro replied. He grabbed Sanji by the back of his shirt and pulled him down.
"Now go to sleep."

"Ugh.." sanji groaned under his breath and closed his eyes.

Why is he acting like this? I swear he hated me not even 2 days ago and suddenly he cares whether or not I get sleep?  I guess it's nice though. But stupid moss head is probably messing with me. He most likely thinks it's funny to mess around with my emotions. Sanji was overthinking the whole situation. Until Zoro lifted up his chin by his finger forcing eye contact.
"You're overthinking this, aren't you?" He said. Sanji was was in a moment of shock. how did he know??
"I know your messing with me, theres no way you suddenly care for me." Sanji said glaring at him.
"I'm not messing with you, I've always cared for you. I'm just to much of a coward to care for you in front of the others."

"This is the first time I've ever heard you call yourself a coward." Sanji said, in a sort of way he thought it was funny.
Zoro removed his finger from under Sanji's chin and placed his hand around his waist. He moved his other hand on top of Sanji's head and started playing with his hair. Sanji didn't mind that at all. In fact he enjoyed Zoros fingers running through his hair. Zoro thought his hair was soft. It smelled nice to.

Sanji moved his arm in a position where he was pretty much hugging him. They fell into a calming sleep. It was peaceful, warm, and comfortable.

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