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They walk and walk until they get exhausted.
Maria: Gu-Guys, I'm tired let's rest first before we kept going.
Jake: Okay but you two rest first, I will find to way out okay.
Maria: No, what if you got hurt.
Jake: Love, I promise I will be careful and I will be back
Maria: Okay, just be careful and go back as fast as you can.
Jake: Thanks love (he kissed her forehead) Just stay here, wait for me. Loraine protect her, okay?
Loraine (smiling) I will, don't worry.
Jake: Thanks, I'm going.
Jake started to find to way out.

Loraine and Eunice POV
Loraine: Hey, I'm just going to look Jake okay.
Maria: No, just stay here. He will be back, okay.
Loraine: But he taking so long. I need to check him what if there's something happened to him.
Maria: Okay fine, just be careful okay.
Loraine: (smiled) I will, I'm going.
Loraine started to find Jake.

Maria POV
(She was looking around until she noticed her hair was lifting, when she noticed her hair she sunddenly shout but it was cut when Karrie crack her head.)
They heard Maria's shout, they run faster.
Loraine: (exhausting) Ma-Maria! (shocked)
Jake: (exhausting) Wh-what's happened? L-love? LOVE!! (starting to cry)
Loraine: Mariaaaaa!! (crying) I-I'm sorry Jake, I-I leave her alone because I was going to check you. (kneeling down) I-I'm really sorry Jake.
Jake: (death  glared) (he grabs Loraine's t-shirt) THIS IS ALL YOUR  FAULT!!
Loraine: (scared) I-I'm sorryJake!! Please forgive me. (begging)
Jake: (Glaring at Loraine) (he removed his hands on Loraine's t-shirt) No, I-I'm sorry. I-I was just shocked what happened to my love. I'm sorry. She was my first love and first girlfriend.
Loraine: (she hugged him) I'm really sorry Jake, its gonna be okay.
(He hug her back while crying)
Loraine: Shhh, it's alright just cry it. (tapping his back)
Jake: Let's get out of here! Bye my love, I hope you are happy there. (kissing her forehead) Let's go!!

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