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    It was long before Chan caught up to the dancer.

     "Felix, what happened? Talk to me please." Chan grabbed his little brothers hand.

   "He laughed at me." Felix whispered.

   Chan furrowed his eyebrows.

   "Taehyung was changing in the locker room so, I decided to just stand off to the side. Then, the rest of the baseball team came in. At first I paid no mind to them whispering about me but, then one of them said something about how I do ballet, because our mom wanted a girl and not me. Everyone started to laugh including, Taehyung." Felix used his sweater to dry his tears.

   Chan pulled the younger into a hug.

   "Mom and dad chose you. They wanted you. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise." Chan muttered.

    Felix wrapped his arms around his brother.

   "Lix! Are you okay?" Jisung called out from behind the two.

    Felix let go of Chan and smiled at Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, Minho and Changbin.

   "Yeah, I am fine. How about we go to that new Café that opened! I hear it is a cat Café." Felix suggested.

    "That sounds fun, I am in!" Minho smiled.

   Everyone collectively agree that they would go to the new cat Café.

    Felix felt an arm sling around his shoulder.

   "What are you guys talking about?" Hyunjin questioned.

  "A new cat Café opened and we are going to go check it out, do you wanna come with?" Minho asked.

    "Sure." Hyunjin shrugged.

   Jisung grabbed Felix's hand smiling.

  "Let's go." The squirrel like male pulled his friend towards the exit of the school.

    The other 6 males following behind.

  "Oh my gosh, so many kitties!" Felic and Jisung exclaimed as they made it to the Café.

    The eight friends entered the Café.

   They got seated at a booth in the corner by the window.

   "Well, aren't you pretty." Felix smiled as a cat jumped on his lap.

     "You remind me of someone." He pet the black and white cat.

   "This one looks like Minho~hyung." Jisung pointed to an orange cat.

    Felix looked at the cat in his lap.

  "You look like Hyunjin~Hyung!" Felix smiled.

  >I have no clue how it happens but, for some reason Hyunjin is a year older in all my Hyunlix stories<

   Hyunjin snapped his eyes from his phone to Felix, who was playing with the cat.

  He was about to speak but, the waitress came up.

   "What can I get you guys today?" She asked.

   Everyone went around ordering their drinks and food.

   "Can I have a strawberry banana smoothie." Felix smiled.
    The waitress nodded and wrote it down.

  "I'll take a white chocolate latte and a slice of strawberry cake." Hyunjin handed her, his menu once she finished writing it down.

    As they were waiting for their drinks and food. Most of everyone continued to play with the cats.

   The cat that according to Felix looked like Hyunjin was still on Felix's lap.

   Hyunjin turned on his phone and opened his camera app.

   Before, he took a picture he made sure to turn his flash off.

    Getting caught taking a picture of Felix was not, on his list of things to do today.

    He quickly snapped the picture and turned his phone off once he saw the food and drinks coming.

    Everyone's food and drink was place in front of them.

    Felix thank the waitress and took a drink of his smoothie. He continued to play with the cat as he drank his smoothie.

    Felix's stomach let out a growl that he just hoped no one heard.

   He let out a breath when no one said anything.

   However, a spoon with strawberry cake came into view.

    He looked up to the male across from him.

   Hyunjin was looking down at his phone but, he still had arm extend to feed the younger.

    When he glanced up, the younger was just staring at the spoon so, he lightly pushed the spoon against the youngers lips.

    The younger got the hint and ate the piece of cake.

   This went on until all of the slice was gone. Hyunjin would take a bite then, he would feed the younger a piece without looking up from his phone.

   The others at the table saw the interactions between the two but, didn't say anything, yet.

    "We have practice we need to go." Hyunjin stood up fixing his necklace.

   They had all chipped in to pay the bill.

    Jeongin, Chan, and Minho groaned.

   "I have to get to the studio so I can run my dance a couple times before tomorrow." Felix smiled.

    "Do you want me to drive you there?" Chan asked.

   "No, I think I am going to walk. It feels nice outside." Felix told them.

   "Okay then, we should go, since we don't have practice tomorrow." Chan nodded standing up.

   Soon, it was only Felix and the cat that jumped on him when they got there.

   "Okay, pretty kitty, I have to go." Felix pet the cat. It meowed and laid down.

   He sighed.

   Chan and Hyunjin enter the house. They didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

   "I wonder if Felix is home." Chan spoke.

   "His shoes are here so, he most likely is." Hyunjin pointed to the sneakers on the shoe shelf.

   Chan and Hyunjin walked up the stairs and to Felix's room.

   Chan knocked on the door.

   There was some shuffling then, Felix's head peaked out.

   "Hi!" Felix smiled at the two boys.

   "Hey, when did you get home.?" Chan asked.

  "Oh, uhm I decided to skip going to the studio and just come straight home." He gave a tight lipped smile.

   "Why won't you open your door all the way?" Chan asked.

   "Because, my room is a mess. Yes, it is a mess." Felix laughed nervously.

   The was a meow and Felix pursed his lips.

  Chan pushed the door open.

   Sitting on Felix's bed was the black and white cat from the Café and around the room was a bunch of cat stuff.

    "See, I can explain." Felix gave a nervous smile.

   Chan gave Felix a look and Hyunjin was just standing there with a small smile tugging at his lips.

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